Wireless N router to use with a PPPoE connection?

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Hey guys,

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to networking. I'm trying to set up a WiFi network at home and I'm looking to invest in a Wireless N router.

I have a cable connection that's PPPoE based - requires a dialer to connect.

I was wondering if there are any good WiFi N routers which support the same.

I was thinking of buying the Asus RT-N13 router but read really bad reviews regarding the same. Another one I am considering is RT-N16.

The reason why I am considering these two are because they have a USB slot and supports automatic torrent/http downloads.

Can anyone suggest/guide me? Will the N16 router work with a PPPoE connection? Does it also support torrent downloading etc?
AFAIK all N routers support PPPoE connection so go for anyone you want.
As far as torrent downloading is concerned no router is perfect. So, ready to do some R & D yourself if you go for these.
Haven't used the routers mentioned by you so can't comment.

Update your budget explicitly for better suggestions.
Looking for something up to 4k ideally. Torrent/http downloading would be a nice addon - would at least want a router with a usb port.
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