Women may be able to grow own Sperm

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Keane 16

Women could one day grow their own sperm, says a scientist who today claims to have turned bone marrow into early-stage sperm cells.

His team is now studying how to grow fully fledged sperm from bone marrow as a means to restore fertility in young men who have undergone cancer treatments. It could be five years before trials start.

Prof Karim Nayernia and his colleagues have completed similar experiments with female mice.

Within a few months, they expect to see if the method can be extended so that early-stage sperm can in principle be made from women, too.

Along with cloning, this could mark the second technique that makes men redundant.

The derivation of "putative" early-stage sperm from four male volunteers is published today in the journal Reproduction: Gamete Biology by Prof Nayernia of the Northeast England Stem Cell Institute, Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Some experts urged caution about his claims, questioning the safety of using sperm derived from stem cells, and one was sceptical about the idea of women making sperm.

For the experiment, which was undertaken at Göttingen University, in Germany, Prof Nayernia's team took bone marrow from male volunteers and isolated a "parent cell". These stem cells have been found to grow into other tissues such as muscle.

In laboratory tests, they persuaded the stem cells to develop. The resulting cells look ordinary but genetic markers suggested that they were

partly-developed sperm cells, otherwise known as "spermatogonial" stem cells.

In most men, spermatogonial cells eventually develop into mature sperm but this progression was not achieved in this experiment, said Prof Nayernia.

He said his work was backed by a study of mice by Prof Ronald Swerdloff at the University of California, Los Angeles, who reported in the American Journal of Pathology that it was possible to turn these stem cells into early sperm cells.

Prof Nayernia said: "We're very excited about this discovery. Our next goal is to see if we can get the spermatogonial stem cells to progress to mature sperm."

He is to ask for permission to carry out similar experiments with human bone marrow in Newcastle, where the Centre for Life unveiled the world's first cloned human embryos.

As for growing sperm from females, "we have evidence that it is possible, in the mouse at least". However, more work was required to confirm this.

Prof Nayernia is concerned that the Government could outlaw treatments based on such work. A White Paper argued that the use of artificial gametes - eggs and sperm - would "raise profound new possibilities such as the possible creation of a child by combining the genetic material of two women".

Prof Robin Lovell Badge, of the National Institute of Medical Research in Mill Hill, London, said there were fundamental reasons why female bone marrow could not be converted into sperm.

Men have a Y and an X chromosome (bundles of genes in cells), whereas women have two X chromosomes. Prof Lovell Badge said that a Y was essential for sperm while having two X chromosomes was "incompatible with making sperm".

"The only true defining feature of a germ cell is its ability to undergo meiosis - the form of cell division that leads to sperm or eggs having just one of each chromosome rather than a pair, as found in all other cells. The authors say they have not yet determined whether their cells can do this, but this is essential if they are to justify their claims."

He said the paper contained "several misleading statements", cited a 2006 paper that was "questionable" and rested on the use of molecular markers to reveal the "putative" sperm cells, which is a long way from the ultimate test of using sperm made this way to create an offspring.

Prof Harry Moore at the University of Sheffield said: "We need to be very cautious. Unfortunately, these stem cell manipulations can lead to permanent genetic changes, which would make them unsafe to use."

Josephine Quintavalle of Comment on Reproductive Ethics, CORE, said: "How ironic that one of the few reproductive novelties the Government wants to ban is the very one that CORE could make a case for. But infertile men shouldn't get excited. There is far too much hype in this paper. As to growing sperm from women? As any A-level biology student would question, 'Where are they going to get the Y chromosome from?' "

:blink: :huh:
Not really, it will only lead to the ultimate extinction of the male species, which is already happening in our society today. This new development only speeds up the process.

Talk about sex ratio, talk about women's rights, talk about attention towards women, the fact is that the male species is slowly deteriorating and may well be extinct in about 125,000 years. And this analysis was made much before this new discovery was done. This is due to a deficiency in the Y chromosome which is slowly causing it to break up. Eventually it will disintegrate, and with it, all men will be gone. With this development, I fear its going to take far less than 125000 years for the male species to become extinct.

Coming back to this method, the sperm cells are created from the bone marrow. A male bone marrow is required to create an immature sperm carrying Y chromosome which is required to have a boy child. A female bone marrow can only be used to create girl children. A medical student told me that the drawback of this method is that in most cases the children born will be girls. If the woman's bone marrow is used to make the sperm, then the child will be 100% a girl.

This signifies the end of mankind and the beginning of womankind. Why? Because if this develops, then women will be able to procreate/reproduce without needing men. In fact, there has been research in the field that an egg cell (ova) can be fertilised by using another egg cell, which will again create a girl child only.

Feminists are happy about this development, as it ultimately proves that men are no longer important in society. Believe it or not, man is no longer needed, and the extinction has just begun. And the world does not care about it. The last of humans to survive will ultimately be females. :(

The new era has begun, and the women have decided that they do not need men anymore. I have always told men that they were always too submissive in listening to the sometimes unfair demands of women. Now reap the fruits.

If you think I'm wrong here, let me inform you that I had a detailed discussion on this matter with a 2nd year medical student in Romania. And right now, I'm pretty angry to have been born on this Earth as a man instead of a demon or half-demon. :(

Do not worry about this, as it has always been so. We have allowed this to go on for almost 200 years now, it is our fault. We must accept what comes to us. This is how we have come to this stage:

Various stages of feminist movement:

1) Political measures (right to vote, etc.) - This was true and justified, as women deserved thier political rights

2) Social measures - This is where is started getting out of line, with divorce proceedings and other legalities being simplified/biased towards women

3) Educational and Employment Measures - This was somewhat justified, but also got slightly out of line in some rare cases

4) Economic Measures - In my opinion this was bullshit

5) Biological measures - You can see what is happening

So, I can say that it started out as a movement to give women equal rights, which is right and I agree they deserved their rights, but slowly turned into a systematic movement to eliminate the male species from the spectrum of society. And right now it is succeeding. I am not sexist, and I want to make this very clear, but it is becoming more and more obvious to me each day that males are no longer needed. I can see this behaviour in my school (Teachers not listening to complaints against girls), in my home (Daddy speaking about how hardworking girls are while I'm all lazybones), newspapers (Feminist articles written in a newspaper, not TOI but something else), legislation/politics (Domestic Violence Act 2005 for example), in job applications (better packages for women in higher paying jobs) and countless other scenarios I can see. I am indeed cursed that I was born as a boy and not a Demon....
Darth..dont u have something better to say about males...:@ :P

Well i wish to differ on this..check out the male - female ratio...not only in this country but also in all the developed countries as well...its not the male but the females tht are reducing in numbers...there are males abound...(yeah.. friggin gays will be rejoicing..:@ ) so i dont think males will be extinct anytime soon...forget it pal...i dont trust that scientific theory...:no: They may be able to conceive without the help of men but there is more to it than just mere reproduction...;) who's going to take care of tht...:P :lol:

Call me a chauvinist or whatever...males rule..:ohyeah: (hope no female is reading this..:ashamed: ) and they are not going down anytime soon..and they are not going down alone...end of story....:D
ya girls need reproduction or excitement while ahem :P

no male = no excitement :devil2:

thus males rule :ohyeah:

no offense meant for girls :ashamed:
Private Ryan said:
Darth..dont u have something better to say about males...:@ :P

Well i wish to differ on this..check out the male - female ratio...not only in this country but also in all the developed countries as well...its not the male but the females tht are reducing in numbers...there are males abound...(yeah.. friggin gays will be rejoicing..:@ ) so i dont think males will be extinct anytime soon...forget it pal...i dont trust that scientific theory...:no: They may be able to conceive without the help of men but there is more to it than just mere reproduction...;) who's going to take care of tht...:P :lol:

Call me a chauvinist or whatever...males rule..:ohyeah: (hope no female is reading this..:ashamed: ) and they are not going down anytime soon..and they are not going down alone...end of story....:D

Sorry Ryan, sometimes my emotions just flow out pretty badly. I have further edited my post to add more stuff. Anyway, right now female sex ratio is lower primarily due to infanticide (in India anyway). This will never happen in a female dominated society. Science doesn't lie, and what looks so good today goes away quite quickly. For example, global warming isn't such a problem today, but tomorrow we will all curse ourselves for not averting this sooner.

As for the below statement:

Private Ryan said:
there is more to it than just mere reproduction...;) who's going to take care of tht...:P :lol:

I do not wish to behave like a pervert when I say this, but there are various synthetic devices as well as androids and robots that can be used for this purpose. I do not think I'll name any of these devices here though, as this perverse thing is bugging me already. :no:

Also, I apologize if any of my statements hurt anyone's feelings here. I try to be as neutral as possible but no one on Earth can be 100% neutral on anything. :(
Darth infernus said:
Anyway, right now female sex ratio is lower primarily due to infanticide (in India anyway). This will never happen in a female dominated society.

right now, i dont see a female dominated society anywhere around the world...even in the developed countires, u can check the male female ratio..it may not be as bad as india or any other third world country, but the ratio is nowhere remotely equal....and the sheer number of the males is itself a proof of the superiority of the male species..:ohyeah:

I do not wish to behave like a pervert when I say this, but there are various synthetic devices as well as androids and robots that can be used for this purpose. I do not think I'll name any of these devices here though, as this perverse thing is bugging me already.

Artificial will always be...artificial..they cannot take the place of the real thing...:P :lol:

The real thing rules...:lol: :P :rofl:
Males won't ever extinct. If science allows them to have a bone marrow that creates the the sperm cells carrying X Chromosome in Females, then science can also allow to help repair the breaking of Y chromosome in males.

Besides, Man has created the world we live in, I'm not so sure if you think that Man won't be able to find a way to save himself some 125000 years from now.

Oh by the way, anybody seen Demolition Man? There already is an artificial means to have sex - without any physical contact - the technology that recreates only the emotional feel in one's body.

It was weird, and the movie is set in 2030. Though in the end, Sly Stallone crushes the idea and kisses Sandra Bullock, and then she says how much the real thing is better!
Private Ryan said:
right now, i dont see a female dominated society anywhere around the world...even in the developed countires, u can check the male female ratio..it may not be as bad as india or any other third world country, but the ratio is nowhere remotely equal....:

I have a theory for this too. Apparently the deficiency in the Y chromosome manifests itself not as depreciating number of male children born, but rather an increasing number of infertile men (though at the moment the onset of this is quite slow and maybe limited to only a few geographic regions). In either way, the long term effects of both syndromes will be the same. :)

Private Ryan said:
Artificial will always be...artificial..they cannot take the place of the real thing...

The real thing rules...

Isn't this getting rather obscene now? And how do you know that the real thing "rules"? For that you'd have to ask someone, take surveys, make them try both methods....But hell this is getting obscene.

I hope men find a way to save themselves, and I think it is possible, because there is another animal male species which suffered the same problem and has "fixed" itself by evolution, though the number of males remain less. I don't remember the exact details of it right now. Of course, what is important is that in order to save themselves, men need to wake up to the reality instead of dancing to their women's tunes (or letting the world go by as it is).

on a serious note, darth is quite right in some of his facts, no matter which angle u see it from, it is the starting of a feminist generation .

on a lighter note, we may expect to see my avatar pic in reality (except for there will be a robot n a gal :P :devil:)
Darth said:
Sorry Ryan, sometimes my emotions just flow out pretty badly. I have further edited my post to add more stuff. Anyway, right now female sex ratio is lower primarily due to infanticide (in India anyway). This will never happen in a female dominated society. Science doesn't lie, and what looks so good today goes away quite quickly. For example, global warming isn't such a problem today, but tomorrow we will all curse ourselves for not averting this sooner.

I heard Global Warming is inevitable. Its earth's way of refreshing itself. When it happens, the atmosphere will be 100% clean again just like the way it was in the ice age.

The plan should be to delay Global Warming, start preparing ourselves for it, and then fuel it to happen as it only means good for earth in the end.

(lol, FUEL it to happen...get it?!)

And I don't know why people (or males browsing techenclave) are getting worked up over this. As I've said, if this is true, Science can and will work both ways - in favor of man and women.

Heck, if its 125000 years, I can see the last man remaining in a female dominated world using a time machine to bring back a nation full of males with guns and flags that read "Time to run, b*****s!" or "You gonna' get raped!".
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