SourceWomen could one day grow their own sperm, says a scientist who today claims to have turned bone marrow into early-stage sperm cells.
His team is now studying how to grow fully fledged sperm from bone marrow as a means to restore fertility in young men who have undergone cancer treatments. It could be five years before trials start.
Prof Karim Nayernia and his colleagues have completed similar experiments with female mice.
Within a few months, they expect to see if the method can be extended so that early-stage sperm can in principle be made from women, too.
Along with cloning, this could mark the second technique that makes men redundant.
The derivation of "putative" early-stage sperm from four male volunteers is published today in the journal Reproduction: Gamete Biology by Prof Nayernia of the Northeast England Stem Cell Institute, Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Some experts urged caution about his claims, questioning the safety of using sperm derived from stem cells, and one was sceptical about the idea of women making sperm.
For the experiment, which was undertaken at Göttingen University, in Germany, Prof Nayernia's team took bone marrow from male volunteers and isolated a "parent cell". These stem cells have been found to grow into other tissues such as muscle.
In laboratory tests, they persuaded the stem cells to develop. The resulting cells look ordinary but genetic markers suggested that they were
partly-developed sperm cells, otherwise known as "spermatogonial" stem cells.
In most men, spermatogonial cells eventually develop into mature sperm but this progression was not achieved in this experiment, said Prof Nayernia.
He said his work was backed by a study of mice by Prof Ronald Swerdloff at the University of California, Los Angeles, who reported in the American Journal of Pathology that it was possible to turn these stem cells into early sperm cells.
Prof Nayernia said: "We're very excited about this discovery. Our next goal is to see if we can get the spermatogonial stem cells to progress to mature sperm."
He is to ask for permission to carry out similar experiments with human bone marrow in Newcastle, where the Centre for Life unveiled the world's first cloned human embryos.
As for growing sperm from females, "we have evidence that it is possible, in the mouse at least". However, more work was required to confirm this.
Prof Nayernia is concerned that the Government could outlaw treatments based on such work. A White Paper argued that the use of artificial gametes - eggs and sperm - would "raise profound new possibilities such as the possible creation of a child by combining the genetic material of two women".
Prof Robin Lovell Badge, of the National Institute of Medical Research in Mill Hill, London, said there were fundamental reasons why female bone marrow could not be converted into sperm.
Men have a Y and an X chromosome (bundles of genes in cells), whereas women have two X chromosomes. Prof Lovell Badge said that a Y was essential for sperm while having two X chromosomes was "incompatible with making sperm".
"The only true defining feature of a germ cell is its ability to undergo meiosis - the form of cell division that leads to sperm or eggs having just one of each chromosome rather than a pair, as found in all other cells. The authors say they have not yet determined whether their cells can do this, but this is essential if they are to justify their claims."
He said the paper contained "several misleading statements", cited a 2006 paper that was "questionable" and rested on the use of molecular markers to reveal the "putative" sperm cells, which is a long way from the ultimate test of using sperm made this way to create an offspring.
Prof Harry Moore at the University of Sheffield said: "We need to be very cautious. Unfortunately, these stem cell manipulations can lead to permanent genetic changes, which would make them unsafe to use."
Josephine Quintavalle of Comment on Reproductive Ethics, CORE, said: "How ironic that one of the few reproductive novelties the Government wants to ban is the very one that CORE could make a case for. But infertile men shouldn't get excited. There is far too much hype in this paper. As to growing sperm from women? As any A-level biology student would question, 'Where are they going to get the Y chromosome from?' "
:blink: :huh: