Laptops Wont stay in sleep mode

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I put the lap to sleep and it turns back on by itself after a while.
I put it back to sleep and occasionally it turns on. When I shut it down however it no longer does this
Have you tried the hibernate option.
There maybe some app installed that is running in the background and preventing the laptop to going into sleep.
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Its a thing with Windows 10. Where some internal app (don't quite remember which one, I think its the winupdate), which causes the computer to come out of sleep. My dekstop used to do this often, then I went ahead and modified a cfg as suggested, which fixed it. Try google-ing using the same reference.
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Well not waking up yet, but what causes this, the overheating or what?

So if this happens in about 3 hours, it is the laptop waking up from sleep in order to hibernate. if not, you can look into the event viewer and see if you can find any clues from the logs around the time it woke up automatically.


EDIT: btw, give this a try .
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