World Of Warcraft Indian guild

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Hi gang,
I had mentioned this in another thread, just thought i shall bring it up again.

If anyone here plays World Of Warcraft, there are a bunch of us Indians on Deathwing.

Anyone still interested in joining a guild which raids indian standard time?
Contact Sujay/Blademasta/Thunderra ingame.

Server - Deathwing(US) . Its the official blizzard server, not private.

You can buy and download the game from World of Warcraft Community Site website. Register for a trial copy and upgrade. Patch d/ling and updation would take some time though.


Any players from Mumbai here?

I was wondering how to go about playing this MMORPG game with people who know the game. I am willing to start if someone around can help get the game, latest version please.

^ There are AT LEAST 30-40 Indian players playing on Burning Legion (US). Armory for peepeepee on burning legion. Thats my character.

Even my guild has around 15 Indians.
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