World of Warcraft player/dorkmaster supreme Prepared has caved to his smack addiction-like dependence on WoW and created 36 separate accounts that he plays simultaneously on an epically ridiculous rig. He claims to spend over $5700 per year just on the game, and plans to pick up 36 copies of the new expansion pack Wrath of the Lich King when it's released.
I've never played World of Warcraft. I'm not sure if the abbreviation is pronounced by spelling out the letters W-O-W or if you just saw "wow." It seems like the kind of thing where you have to know the difference between an elf and an orc, and I gotta be honest, I just don't care. But this is so over-the-top that I'm almost interested in finding the one true ring or banging lady-dwarves or whatever you do in that game. Prepared's setup features a whopping seven separate laptops, four desktops hidden away under the desk, and an array of screens that's disorienting even in a static image. He might be the only person on earth who's capable of using the 15-button mouse. Prepared claims that $5700 a year is reasonable for a hobby, and he's totally right. I can think of at least three hard drugs that would be more expensive.
Edit: I've been informed that our industrious nerd is not Bradster but Prepared. Sorry for the commotion this must have caused Bradster and his family. [Ripten via Crunchgear]
I've never played World of Warcraft. I'm not sure if the abbreviation is pronounced by spelling out the letters W-O-W or if you just saw "wow." It seems like the kind of thing where you have to know the difference between an elf and an orc, and I gotta be honest, I just don't care. But this is so over-the-top that I'm almost interested in finding the one true ring or banging lady-dwarves or whatever you do in that game. Prepared's setup features a whopping seven separate laptops, four desktops hidden away under the desk, and an array of screens that's disorienting even in a static image. He might be the only person on earth who's capable of using the 15-button mouse. Prepared claims that $5700 a year is reasonable for a hobby, and he's totally right. I can think of at least three hard drugs that would be more expensive.
Edit: I've been informed that our industrious nerd is not Bradster but Prepared. Sorry for the commotion this must have caused Bradster and his family. [Ripten via Crunchgear]
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