World Shoplifting Ranking By Country

Not defending or anything like that, but sometimes I wonder how reliable and truthful such a study is. There are plenty of biases that can occur, especially when a large study population is involved. Media just want sensation, and sadly many studies feed such media. EIther that, or the media try and twist the interpretations to suit their needs.

P.S: Pardon my rant.. :)
Indian ppl have a "chalta hain" attitude towards things and they do not install appropriate security measures.

Have the measures deployed in India and penalize 3- 5 ppl, make a media hoopla and our ratings will decline.

My 2 cents...
The problem is the weird sense of morals in our country. Its just like with piracy. As long as no one is taking you to jail for it, people think there is nothing immoral about pirating. People in our country think that anything for which you do not get caught is morally alright to do. In fact some even go as far as to think that not taking advantage when presented an opportunity is in itself a crime.

A while back there was case in Mumbai. A couple both of whom are MBA's each earning 5 figure monthly salaries shoplifted jewelry in a jewelry store and were caught by police at their home. Mind you they did not go there with a plan to steal. They went there to buy and when a opportunity presented itself, they could not resist the temptation to steal. Even their attitude after getting caught suggested that they were ashamed about getting caught, not about the stealing and seemed to be behaving as if the world is being unfair to them.

With such attitudes, its no wonder that quite a number of educated Indian women get caught shoplifting in US malls. Those who don't get caught leave no stone unturned when it comes to bragging about it.
yup. I have a friend who thinks this as a challenge to shoplift.
For that challenge He lifted a pair of shoes from the famous chor bazaar.
Though he earns much better but does it for the thrill.
The problem is the weird sense of morals in our country.

Yep that, and people yet go harping about Indian moral values being the best. "Western people are so immoral, check out their divorce rates" is a favorite quote in our country.

And the worse is the excuse of religion. I have sinned but have absolved it by taking a bath in the Ganges. Puurfect,,,
Lezzee how many followed the links, so far none.

logistopath said:
Not defending or anything like that, but sometimes I wonder how reliable and truthful such a study is. There are plenty of biases that can occur, especially when a large study population is involved. Media just want sensation, and sadly many studies feed such media. EIther that, or the media try and twist the interpretations to suit their needs.

P.S: Pardon my rant.. :)
There isn't too much on the methodology of this survey

The GRTB 2011 survey of major retailers in all business sectors in 43 countries provided 1,187 useable responses, 25%., with combined sales of $984 billion. The results are grossed up to be equivalent the size of every national retail market surveyed
1,187 responses for 43 countries and then it was 'grossed up'. That number is fine per country but for all of them its very little. I'm not sure how else to interpret this.

Lord Nemesis said:
The problem is the weird sense of morals in our country.
Nope, its much more simpler than that

Lax security one reason India places high on shoplifting index | LA Times | December 12, 2011

Lord Nemesis said:
With such attitudes, its no wonder that quite a number of educated Indian women get caught shoplifting in US malls.
Better security ;)

Looking at the survey US has more theft from employees than shoplifting.
Sarath_ said:
Lol. You spoilt the party.
Eh ?

Sarath_ said:
I'm waiting to see this locked.
Why ? Asking for a lock is akin to shooting the messenger.

I want to better understand the methodology they used to come up with these numbers. Once you understand that you can mount a defence.

I did my bit now i'm counting on the board to do the rest.
Lack of better understanding of finer social concepts such as accountability, credibility, responsibility and consequences is poor if not completely non-existent in our country. But this is to be expected of any developing nation.
blr_p said:

Security is required as a consequence and never the root cause. In earlier days (during my moms childhood) people rarely needed to lock their doors at night and they used to sleep in the open. Look at the situation now. Its not like they had better security in those days, its just that people had a better sense of morals that stopped them from taking advantage of every situation where someone is vulnerable.