World's most expensive television commercial

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Its reported to be the most expensive television commercial ever created. Shell filmed a variety of historic Ferrari Formula 1 cars blasting through the streets of some of the world's greatest cities.

The crew visited Rome, Monaco, Rio, Sydney, New York and Hong Kong during the month-long shoot. Called "Circuit", the 2 minute ad celebrates 60 years of Shell and Ferrari working together.

The incredibly vivid commercial is the brainchild of Partizan's Antoine Bardou Jacquet and producer David Stewart.

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OMG..this is freakin amazing re... love the scene where one side full traffic is going on and the other side is empty...
How i wish those guys had shot some part of it in aamchi mumbai and dilwaali delhi..hehe.. we wud have seen wot remained of the Ferraris.. :rofl:
SoulFire said:
wasnt the honda ad that too 6 months to make the most expensive, how much $$ went into this one ?

Shell is reported to have spent about $ 3.9 million for this 2-min ad...

but i've also found these info while searching for the most expensive ads -

1. The Guinness ad 'horses' cost in excess of £5.000.000 ($11.000.000)

2. The most expensive commercial for TV was shot in 2004, for Chanel with Nicole Kidman. It costs in excess of $36 million, with Kidman alone charging $4+ million.

3. The Honda Accord commercial (remember, the car parts chain reaction) cost over $6.000.000 to make.
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