PC Peripherals worst time for buying a pc..help

hey techies...............
i guess this is the worst time for buying a pc.coz
*we hav conroe coming in india in two months.\
* directx 10 is on the door n we shud hav a dx10 compatible card nw.but even if its released the prices of the card will b very high.

the worst part is that i need to buy a pc nw only. wot shud i do guyz tell me. i can max wait till september end. n also i do not want ne big upgradation in my pc for nxt 2 yrs . i am an avid gamer n want to play every new game at high setting....(lil low settings can do)......wot will u suggest me....wait for conroe....(that will b august end)......n wot abt dx10???? hav heard that g80 frm nvidia is a dx10 compatible card...wen will it b released n wot will b its price????....will i b able to play dx10 games at good settings with my dx9 cards?????....n can i install dx10 on my pc if i hav a dx9 card????

plz help me guyz.........m confused a lot................
Look the market changes constantly.. I spent 32K on a graphics card for example. The X800XT that promised to change the way people game. It took me 3 months to get the card, Jabalpur isn't exactly hardware shoppers stop..

Within a short period the card was outdated, and all I have to show is a big hole in my wallet..

As the moral goes, upgrade or buy when u need to, not when the market is ready for you. Conroe will come, and eventually it'll go... Your buying decisions will remain..

If you really need something now, then do so.. If you can hold for something better, then hold.
Wait till September end.. Surely Intel Core 2 Duo's will hit Indian shores by then.. And you'll have a cpu which will last you for 2 years surely :).

Also, Id advise, when you buy in September, by a really cheap Gfx card, and then wait for the DX10 cards to come :).
If the actual release is in the end of this month, surely by august 2 or 3rd week we will have the conroes in India. Intel has very good presence in India and hence it will not take much time like with AMD. even the LGA 775 Processors and mobos were immediately available in India everywhere whereas I had a tough time getting a Athlon 64 released much earlier.

Since you were saying that you can wait upto september max, then just wait for a while till conroe releases. by that time the AMD X2 prices will also come crashing down. even if you cannot go for a conroe, you can definitely pick up a X2 cheap and that too you can go for an AM2 version for sure.

As for the graphics card, Dx10 graphics cards are not going to be released anytime soon, so you can get yourself the best possible DX9 card your wallet would reasonably allow.

I'm also a victim of that,My 6month old 3500+939 is being abandoned by the company.Now,what will u make up about the market???

Always,go for what is running/mainstream in the market, no profit/sense in waiting for exotic products/components @ extra premium prices,which will SURELY get OUTDATED only a FEW DAYS after!

That's my Hard realisation Now, Post purchase after Blowing up more than 1 lakh bucks on a system,which is already on the road 2 extinction within n6 months!!!

So,Now U better Decide,what u REALLY Want!!!!
Buy it then get stuck with it ... no time is a good time for an upgrade ... not unless they stop making things ... which probably has a negative propbability ....
Wait till after the 24 of the month. CPU prices are already dopping outside on the AMD front. Am getting a 3500 for just about a $130+.