hey guys iam thinking of selling my i7 920 and get the 980x maybe but is it any good for gaming on an average and whats the current price for the 980x nowdays?
The 980x is a waste of money for gaming it is only made for High end video editors and also 3d Rendering application.paraskhosla said:hey guys iam thinking of selling my i7 920 and get the 980x maybe but is it any good for gaming on an average and whats the current price for the 980x nowdays?
+1 ... If u game a lot then GPU should be priority with i7 930 ... as of now most of the games support multi core processor but they don't scale much beyond 3-4 cores practically.varunversion1 said:980x is a 1000$ proccy... so its definitely not worth it... if ur looking to spend tht much... just get another 480 for SLI or/and an SSD for improving system wide performance... An SSD should definitely give u a major boost considering the rest of ur system already is kickass![]()
No use for gaming, rather u wait for another year and buy a cheaper 6 core when it's available.paraskhosla said:hey guys iam thinking of selling my i7 920 and get the 980x maybe but is it any good for gaming on an average and whats the current price for the 980x nowdays?
i will not suggest to make RAID of SSD's as they work in a different manner compared to HDD's,other than that i can say get high capacity SSD as the more the Capacity the More the speed of SSD.damn said:A bunch of SSDs and roll them in RAID.
He has the dough to spend so why not SLI ?? Anyways a 480 sli is the best bet since nvidia has almost 100% scaling... I would suggest getting another 480 and 1 SSD with a sandforce controller to really make the ultimate gaming rig... u can then game at 2560 res or even do some 3d gaming as well if u get the glasses...mihir.khatwani said:Nope GTX 480 in sli is not the way to go.
1st never sli or crossfire until and unless you have to
2nd the heat generated by two cards is generally enormous but take the hottest card GTX 480 the heat generated is ghastly.
3rd the Power consumed is also great that is why a single card is preffered.
Whenever going for a upgrade never go for SLI or Crossfire.Always go for a single card then you can sli them when the time is right.
A GTX 480 will be able to handle any game at 2560 res so no worries