CPU/Mobo Worth upgrading to 980x?

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hey guys iam thinking of selling my i7 920 and get the 980x maybe but is it any good for gaming on an average and whats the current price for the 980x nowdays?
If i may ask can you please tell me whats wrong with gaming on a i7-920. I mean in which game are you facing an issue as of how in your current setup of "Core i7 920 D0,GIGABYTE GA-X58A-UD7 Intel X58 SATA 6Gb/s,Zotac GTX 480".
i aint saying iam having any problems etc just wanted to know wether 980x would give me much better performance in games compared to 920

does any game even support 6 cores?
980 is for the workhorse systems and benchers only.

Actually anything over 930 is not needed at all if you plan to overclock. When you get your system close to or in excess of 4Ghz, it does not matter whether you are on 920, 930, 950, 975 or 980. At least not for gaming.
LOL ur current system is BIG OVERKILL already .. dont buy 980 unless u want to waste money . also if u sell that later u wont get any buyer unless u sell at 30% or so price .
if u want to update to i7 980 but waste of money and it is only for workstation and benchmark

so if u are very rich enough then no braininess and worth update at u choice but there might new cpu 8 -10 core next year and your might lose your amount depend on cpu might clash 60-70 % depend on new cpu and gpu come up soon ;)
980x is a 1000$ proccy... so its definitely not worth it... if ur looking to spend tht much... just get another 480 for SLI or/and an SSD for improving system wide performance... An SSD should definitely give u a major boost considering the rest of ur system already is kickass :D
paraskhosla said:
hey guys iam thinking of selling my i7 920 and get the 980x maybe but is it any good for gaming on an average and whats the current price for the 980x nowdays?
The 980x is a waste of money for gaming it is only made for High end video editors and also 3d Rendering application.

Run the game with the highest requirements like the microsoft flight simulator accelerator X and when you notice the % usage it wont be 30%.

I have never seen my CPU usage go more than 25% for any game even for GTA IV.

The i7 920 is already overkill for gaming a Core i5 750 will suffice for gaming and will play each and every game without a sweat.

The 980x is not at all value for money.
varunversion1 said:
980x is a 1000$ proccy... so its definitely not worth it... if ur looking to spend tht much... just get another 480 for SLI or/and an SSD for improving system wide performance... An SSD should definitely give u a major boost considering the rest of ur system already is kickass :D
+1 ... If u game a lot then GPU should be priority with i7 930 ... as of now most of the games support multi core processor but they don't scale much beyond 3-4 cores practically.

So i7 930 with 4+ GHz is what u need and easily available too :P
You current CPU is quite good, and OC'ed is of course rocking. BC2 does realize 6 cores but how many games do..? Will take a while for this to become main stream. Get SSDs and see the quick responsive system. Will shock you...! :)
Makes for no improvement in gaming bro ...

Workstation use/editing/rendering/number crunching and of-course Benching as well .. that thing is a ANIMAL :)

that money is better spent elsewhere or then get the i7 970 that just launched .. its at about 800 $ right now but expect a further price drop in sept-oct mostly ..

So i suggest.. save till the holiday season.. oct-nov cause thats when you will see some real action and great deals !!

cheers !

P.S. I paid 52K for mine.
paraskhosla said:
hey guys iam thinking of selling my i7 920 and get the 980x maybe but is it any good for gaming on an average and whats the current price for the 980x nowdays?
No use for gaming, rather u wait for another year and buy a cheaper 6 core when it's available.

There's no advantage in gaming, even now maximum games dont use more than 2 cores effectively.
damn said:
A bunch of SSDs and roll them in RAID.
i will not suggest to make RAID of SSD's as they work in a different manner compared to HDD's,other than that i can say get high capacity SSD as the more the Capacity the More the speed of SSD.:)
Thanks guys really its a waste so won't buy it for sure but thinking of 480 sli ans then buying 2560 screen for ultimate in gaming
Nope GTX 480 in sli is not the way to go.

1st never sli or crossfire until and unless you have to

2nd the heat generated by two cards is generally enormous but take the hottest card GTX 480 the heat generated is ghastly.

3rd the Power consumed is also great that is why a single card is preffered.

Whenever going for a upgrade never go for SLI or Crossfire.Always go for a single card then you can sli them when the time is right.

A GTX 480 will be able to handle any game at 2560 res so no worries
mihir.khatwani said:
Nope GTX 480 in sli is not the way to go.

1st never sli or crossfire until and unless you have to

2nd the heat generated by two cards is generally enormous but take the hottest card GTX 480 the heat generated is ghastly.

3rd the Power consumed is also great that is why a single card is preffered.

Whenever going for a upgrade never go for SLI or Crossfire.Always go for a single card then you can sli them when the time is right.

A GTX 480 will be able to handle any game at 2560 res so no worries
He has the dough to spend so why not SLI ?? Anyways a 480 sli is the best bet since nvidia has almost 100% scaling... I would suggest getting another 480 and 1 SSD with a sandforce controller to really make the ultimate gaming rig... u can then game at 2560 res or even do some 3d gaming as well if u get the glasses...
thanks iam actually thinking of adding an mushkin SSD maybe 120 or 240gb and then maybe add another 2560 screen and 480 or dual solution from nvidia at that time

are the mushkin SSD's good coz thats my next upgrade of course also worth waiting for Sata 3 SSD's?
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