My 7-year-old daughter has been using an iPad since she was 2.
Always controlled access, curated content.
She's never watched TV. Even now, she doesn't feel attached to TV shows. She may end up watching TV for a few minutes in the day when she's around others who are watching.
That's one benefit as I can control what she watches.
Over the years, she's gotten amazing with her English and her etiquettes owing to the fabulous content available through apps and videos.
We have controlled her addiction by taking the iPad away and even giving a complete time-out with gadgets / electronics for a day / week and a whole month at times!
The detox has worked every time.
Also, the plus side of having her own device is, that, she's not allowed to ask for / or touch anyone else's device.
So she never asks for her parents or her grandparent's devices, which I have seen is a major issue with a lot of families.
She loves animals, she loves barbies and she loves visiting the Hamleys store. She loves petting and playing with the stray dogs of our society / colony who follow her everywhere!
I used to love gaming when I was in school / college. It was an addiction. Today, due to various reasons, I don't game and I don't miss it.
Addictions can happen and may never happen. They can be fixed and sometimes fade away with time.