WOW (US) Query

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Well I have a WOW (US) a/c and I was using the gamecards to buy time. Now i want to attach my ICICI CC for the same.

My query is with the new Change in CC verified secured thing can I attach my CC to WOW or would I need a US credit card??
It should be possible to use your Indian credit card to recharge your wow account. I know a guy who runs a cafe here in Bangalore that recharges his accounts through it. I usually get my relative to sms me gamecard codes (no cc, poor guy onree)
Hmm yeah I attached my CC and am downloading the build again, damn me how could I forget that my WoW was is C:\ :@

But again strange to see that no one apart from you plays WoW in TE :no:
^ ROFL, college was over and I had nothing better to do. I single handedly demolished booty bay for at least 2 full days until I got it.

Then while I was gloating in trade chat about it someone came along and said you could do it in 2 hours with a raid group of 3 people....

Also can't wait to get back home, lol! I just blew away 7k gold on getting the battered hilt from a warlock and I'm one step away from a new shiny epic that will finally replace my horsecrap heroic offhand axe..
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
^ ROFL, college was over and I had nothing better to do. I single handedly demolished booty bay for at least 2 full days until I got it.

Then while I was gloating in trade chat about it someone came along and said you could do it in 2 hours with a raid group of 3 people....

hmm 2 hours is not happening. besides, you lose goblin rep as well right? no more flight paths in ratchet, tanaris etc. never seemed worth it to me... my stupid grinds used to be for vanity pets. farmed the hyacinth macaw in stv myself... god that took me a week to get.
Yea you lose goblin rep. Cant go to ratchet and stuff. But you can get it back by donating a shit ton of linen/wool cloth.

Speaking of useless wow, I swam to booty bay from westfall on my level 9 warrior back in vanilla wow....I shit you not, you can actually do that. I was trying to find the horde outpost and someone probably tricked me into trying that out.
I also play on WoW us i have two chars on Malorne and one on Blackrock.

@roxtin i also started two months back ,its been a amazing journey so far but due to so many releases recently i am barely getting time to play WoW.In fact havnt logged in to WoW since last 20 days , HoN,MW2 mp and L4d2 eat up all the free time I have .

here is the highest leveled character I have..

The World of Warcraft Armory
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Speaking of useless wow, I swam to booty bay from westfall on my level 9 warrior back in vanilla wow....I shit you not, you can actually do that. I was trying to find the horde outpost and someone probably tricked me into trying that out.

that's not so difficult. it's how every low level horde player manages to get to vc(deadmines). i would still have been playing if blizzard hadn't ****ed up wotlk. they released the game too soon... all semblance of pvp balance was gone and even though i didn't actually raid in wotlk, all my friends tell me they nerfed raiding so much that it's completely pointless now. i should probably sell my wow account... somehow i don't see myself going back to it. plus i have something like 42000g on the account... that should sell for some decent amount right?
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