wt do i do!

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Enclave Plus
hey gus im just about to clear my first year(hope "fully") so ill be having a big 2 month vacation now im damn confused over wt to do as my parents have left the discision to me as to what i want to do wid the break

i personally (good side) ,this will be my last vacation
Learn Linux programming
A foriegn language (german ithink cuz im into Automation)
attain perfection in Acustic guitar (suspended and pattern chords)
learn music(composing stuff)
sleep n laze around as well as start Gyming

on the other hand personally(Bad side),money money money
work in a call centre
earn enough n buy a pair of 7900gts/gs (loot a bank for atleast 80k n buy a pair of 8800GTXs )
den buy myself a new smartphone (i own a communicator 9300)
thing is my parents say dey are fine wid all of em
thing is these are my last vacations on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
next year ill have inhouse training n stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wt do i do??????
any suggestions
how about some sort of community service .. you can meet a lot of people too that way
sleep , laze and gym ... you said it yourself , last vacations ... you gotta use it wisely..... you can always earn money , hey you have the rest of life for it ....vacations once they are gone.... never ever come back.... sleep laze and gym ... perfect use of time :)
my vote for foreign language and/or linux course :)

Dont start working yet:bleh: Once you start work, you'll have cash, but no time for anything . Enjoy your vacations while you still can.:hap2: How i wish i were in your shoes :(
Take a break and visit some really gr8 exotic locations...hill stations, wild life sanctuaries, beaches..whatever tht you like..take my word for it..once u get into a job, all this will go out of the window....enjoy as long as u r free...:ohyeah:
^^ laze around.......its ur last vacation........
a job in a call center can be attained anytime.
but then if u join a call center u get paid + all u can do once ur back home is LAZE around...cant do anything else hehehehe...........

i would --> laze + foregin language + gym!
nVidiaBeast said:
^^ thats nice idea. working in call centre will fetch you money too.. around 20K a month or more

for a fresher ..dont expect more than 13-14 .

if you have experience then its different , you could easily ask for 25-27 grands .
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