WTB WTB el-cheapo AM4 APU

Broadening range to any of the low range AM4 CPU / APU
Bristol Ridge APUs for AM4
Ryzen 1200/1300/1400/1500/1600
Athlon / Ryzen APUs for AM4
Thank you good sir! That actually is a good deal! Better than any price I have seen for this proccy anywhere else.
But, if I can get a better deal on used stuff, that'd be preferred.

Of-course, if I can't, and this price holds, then it is the best scenario!
Thank you good sir! That actually is a good deal! Better than any price I have seen for this proccy anywhere else.
But, if I can get a better deal on used stuff, that'd be preferred.

Of-course, if I can't, and this price holds, then it is the best scenario!
Hehe. Just don't wait too long or else, this deal might also disappear.
Try your luck on olx as well.