WTB: Intel E6300 Dual Core CPU & ASROCK 775Twins Mobo

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udit ctct saiyan.......he told me he will try to get one for me..once he confirmed the price today..........
Udit said:
I cannot find a AMD X2 3800+ in Kolkata, Bangalore & Chennai.

So I want to buy a AMD X2 3800+ from somewhere as soon as possible.

My Budget is Rs. 8500 including shipping.

That means that he has indeed contacted Saiyan. BTW, got in touch with Kamal yesterday and was told that there will not be any stocks till next week. Just book ur X2 with Saiyan and you'll get it as soon as its in stock.
yup i guess deejay(or blade) confirmed..that new stock will reach on ard 13th aug that too will price high.......computerwarehouse lso have increased the price..........

me praying saiyan gets the deal.....
mods change this thread to WTB: Intel E6300 Dual Core CPU & ASROCK 775Twins Motherboard

Budget is 14k
Udit.. Buy it new...

The E6300 price is good... 10k isnt bad.

The Board costs somewhere in the range of 3.5k....
Availability of the 775TWINS seems to be the issue for Udit... I'm checking in Bangalore today, let's hope it's available.
finally got the Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 Processor for 9.9k all inclusive.

it is with my dad coming within few mins so will show off later :p
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