WTB : Xbox 360

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I wanted to buy an modded xbox 360 and its accessories from mumbai. Can someone tell me the grey market locations where to get it from ?
Guys, don't buy modded. If you get the RROD problem then you can't do anything. You need to throw that console and get a new one.
Check the prices @ buyoriginalms.com. Not worth going for a modded xbox 360.

The core bundle stands @ Rs 15000. The pro bundle is @ Rs 24000. The core version has 2 games bundled. The pro has 4 games bundled.

If on a budget, do not try to buy too many games in a month. Just go for 1 game a month. This way you won't feel as if you spent too much.
hmm, thanks for suggestion.. Will think about it!

which is best plce for buying xbox and original games?
Sorry for posting in this thread but i have some questions.

Can i connect the x360 to my Samsung 940BW somehow? What res will it work on and will it be better than that on a simple 25" CRT ?

Also supposing i get the RRoD.How do i go about the warranty and replacement stuff?
You can buy a VGA cable. The original one costs 1600 bucks, but you can get cheaper chinese ones from Buy Video Games for Consoles and PC - From Japan, Korea and other Regions! - Play-Asia.com.

You can use a resolution of 1280 x 768 for your monitor.

For RROD, you have to call Microsoft customer care and they will send you a box. You have to put the console into the box and then someone will pick it up and after 2 weeks or so, you will get a repaired console or a new console. Warranty is 3 years for RROD problem and 1 year for other problems.

DONT ever buy an XBOX without warranty. The RROD is a common problem and official warranty covers any damage. Plus with a modded console, you can get banned from Live.
Another question,how do you download games off the net and play them on the X360?

Do you need to get the modded version for that (which has no warranty)?
BF1983 said:
You can buy a VGA cable. The original one costs 1600 bucks, but you can get cheaper chinese ones from Buy Video Games for Consoles and PC - From Japan, Korea and other Regions! - Play-Asia.com.

You can use a resolution of 1280 x 768 for your monitor.

I think you are talking about 1280 x 720, the other WS resolutiion thats possible is 1360 x 768. I have my brand new XBOX 360 Elite hooked to my Dell 2007WFP via HDMI to DVI cable and running at 1360 x 768 resolution.
Ambar said:
Another question,how do you download games off the net and play them on the X360?
Do you need to get the modded version for that (which has no warranty)?

If you are talking about pirated games, then no console maker is going to allow that to work on their official versions.

You can download game trailers and demos on a memory card from any xbox 360 kiosk.
listen man.just go for the unmodded xbox, buy a couple of games and exchange or trade those games with other xbox360 users,there are forums where people do that,it will save u money and u dont have to be worried about the RROD problem as ur console will be under warranry,but if u buy the modded console ur gonna regret if dies
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