Linux Wubi - The Easiest Way to Install Linux!

Dark Star

Wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users that will bring you into the Linux world with a few clicks. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other application. If you heard about Linux and Ubuntu, if you wanted to try them but you were afraid, this is for you.

Wubi is Safe

It does not require you to modify the partitions of your PC, or to use a different bootloader.

Wubi is Simple

Just run the installer, no need to burn a CD.

Wubi is Discrete

Wubi keeps most of the files in one folder, and If you do not like, you can simply uninstall it.

Wubi is Free

Wubi (like Ubuntu) is free as in beer and as in freedom. You will get this part later on, the important thing now is that it cost absolutely nothing, it is our gift to you...

Download: Wubi Now
Home Page: Wubi - The Easiest Way to Linux
just when i was gettin haphahazard :p ... my friend lost all his data trying to install fedora core ... now i'm going ahead with the ubuntu download :D ...
asidxxx said:
@Dark Star.....will this create a dual boot option? or will it overwrite the windows installation?
Er? This depends on you :p If you wanna create a dual boot then k else overwrite windows partition ;)
Does this install software on windows itself or it creates partitions on the hdd

and installs it and adds a boot loader.

I am a bit confused. ????
Quad Master said:
Does this install software on windows itself or it creates partitions on the hdd
and installs it and adds a boot loader.

I am a bit confused. ????
It install Linux not software . 1'st depends if u wanna install Linux on same partition overwriting previous OS or create a diff. partition using Wubi to install Linux .. See the screenshots why you all are confused ? Let the pic do the talking :eek:hyeah:
Quad Master said:
Do u require to dedicate a complete partition for this thing to work.

A folder wont work kya :(

ABout folder I am not confirmed why do not u use a partition as you have a hefty Hdd space left :bleh:
I had thought you had it covered. The guide is good as screenies is concerned but lacks in content. My uncle is coming tomorrow hence would write an in-depth on it. It's a pretty good hack actually ;) and doing the things the right way would make things easier & less trouble-free in the long run. I might borrow your screenies if that's ok with you, of course would attribute them to you. Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh.
Guys why does this damn thing always connect to the internet to download the iso.

also is this thing restricted to the ubuntu alternate iso , i dont have it
i have the desktop release iso

Is there a way to install ubuntu desktop iso without that thing connecting to the net.

I am a bit frustrated now grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
i dont think you'll be able to install it without connecting to the internet. you need to download the ubuntu alternate iso file alongwith some other small files.

yes you can install it in a folder and there's no need to dedicate a whole partition of your hard disk for the installation. the wubi installation creates a virtual partition which is used to boot ubuntu. its still in beta so you might face some problems, but many have installed without any.

check out Ubuntu Forums for more info and help. :)
ASSUME: I have now downloaded the alternate iso.

Ok i finish downloading the ubuntu alternate iso seprately , what next

do i need to download that again when i install the next time.

how can i use the existing alternate iso that i downloaded with this.
Quad Master said:
Guys why does this damn thing always connect to the internet to download the iso.

also is this thing restricted to the ubuntu alternate iso , i dont have it

i have the desktop release iso

Is there a way to install ubuntu desktop iso without that thing connecting to the net.

I am a bit frustrated now grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

That was the reason why the guide was incomplete but you are right. It does need the alternate .iso & you can turn it off. The reason why it needs an alternate .iso & cannot play with desktop is because desktop .iso works with ubiquity as the installer while the alternate installer uses the solid debian-installer. The other thing is ubiquity is broken, not in the normal phase of things but in some esoteric situations , also wubi is beta software atm so it needs something to bank on. Ubiquity got introduced since 6.06 while debian-installer has been since end 2k2 early 2k3 something like that. So it makes sense for them to have a mature product when they are trying something new. Atleast the error reports will be right :) Not to say ubiquity is bad, it just needs time & some more time etc. Each release ubiquity is improving but its nowhere even close to what d-i can do.

Edit: Actually it seems d-i was from even earlier. God only knows how many re-writes it might have gone through or none at all.

I'm sure now you see the reason that the guide needs to be re-written . He has just forgotten to say too many points.
the alternate iso file is downloaded in 'wubi\install\' folder. just copy the file 'ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso' to some other place and the next time you install, let the setup come to the part where it actually downloads this file. then cancel the setup (resume is supported) and copy this file over the one that is being downloaded. then run the setup again.