X360 Failure rate at 54.2%

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^No that shows how MS's employed a bunch of chinese retards to make the console for them! Bad hardware/workmanship! Probably they've a lesson or two to learn from Apple I guess!

Their customer service is good nevertheless. Prompt replacement of the console within the warranty period, if it's a virgin!
that also say Also, "Microsoft's numbers are inflated because 360s are used the most of the three consoles. Results said 40.3 percent of 360 owners use the console three to five hours a day, compared to 37 percent of PS3 owners. Meanwhile, the plurality of Wii owners (41.4 percent) play their consoles less than an hour a day."

buy a console dont play-u will never have a probb with it
this survey shows that - hardware does not matter a lot of Sale a Console - only matter GAMES and GAMES and more GAMES (Fun Games-easy to pickup); xbox360 games easy to make(developers point of view) - which is a very very important lesson Sony(read arrogant) should learn - make your SDK friendly to the developers ,involve the developers (not all but some key) during the design & development phase of the console.

I think they learned a bit after changing their Brand image from PLAYSTATION 3 - PS3 - ps3 with slimmer and low priced version.This shows from their all caps version ( shouting arrogantly about how technically superior hardware;sky high price;elite console) towards bit funny(italics font style,short version) and easy going version (priced lower-making it accessible-more games coming in.
satyanjoy said:
this survey shows that - hardware does not matter a lot of Sale a Console - only matter GAMES and GAMES and more GAMES (Fun Games-easy to pickup); xbox360 games easy to make(developers point of view) - which is a very very important lesson Sony(read arrogant) should learn - make your SDK friendly to the developers ,involve the developers (not all but some key) during the design & development phase of the console.
I think they learned a bit after changing their Brand image from PLAYSTATION 3 - PS3 - ps3 with slimmer and low priced version.This shows from their all caps version ( shouting arrogantly about how technically superior hardware;sky high price;elite console) towards bit funny(italics font style,short version) and easy going version (priced lower-making it accessible-more games coming in.

I think you are reading too much into their design choices:ohyeah:

It's correct that apart from first party developers, all the third party developers have faced a lot of troubles developing for PS3. But similar things have been observed in the entire PS cycle of consoles. PS1 had SNES to compete with, which was much easier to develop. PS2 had dreamcast and Gamecube to compete with [Don't consider Xbox as competition] which again were much easier to develop.

But we knew what happened to all those other consoles. Hell, PS2 still is the number 1 selling console I guess. PS3 was late in it's release, RRODBox has a year's lead on it. But Sony was too arrogant and it reflected badly on their performance so far.

Hopefully, it looks like they have learned a lesson now. Lets hope for more A class titles [Cheaper].
neoronin said:
I think you are reading too much into their design choices:ohyeah:

Not too much :P

PS1 had SNES to compete with, which was much easier to develop. PS2 had dreamcast and Gamecube to compete with [Don't consider Xbox as competition] which again were much easier to develop.

But we knew what happened to all those other consoles. Hell, PS2 still is the number 1 selling console

Good point , but earlier Sony faced SEGA and Nintendo as a major competitor but now game is very different - they are facing Microsoft - giant company - their software sales like anything (although its not-so-perfect-still sales like anything). Also SEGA and Nintendo themselves contribute to win Sony the earlier console war ( SEGA >> too much failed consoles,not focused and committed to their Consoles,Nintendo>> arrogantly stick with the Cartridge Media(N64) and no dvd(mini-dvd; less storage ;lesser options for developers).M$ does not a perfect solution but they are the best in making their solution popular n a household name. They have in depth understanding in the software part and their consoles are just like a specialized PC -which give a better edge in terms of designing and above all they have enough $$$ to survive the market for a long time - which gives them aggressiveness while marketing their consoles as a cheap solution.

Sony somehow work on Closed-Door -philosophy; they want to make everything perfect and want to keep close to themselves only ( read umd,magicgate etc)- i think philosophy isolates them and on the other hand M$ is best at that - they know to how pull others in their party

I guess. PS3 was late in it's release, RRODBox has a year's lead on it. But Sony was too arrogant and it reflected badly on their performance so far.
thats a huge lead taken my M$ but now sony is picking up and 2009 look promising with slim and lots of titles

Hopefully, it looks like they have learned a lesson now. Lets hope for more A class titles [Cheaper].
yeah//lets hope:hap2:
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