Xbox 360 fun co-op games?

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Hey guys!
Sadly I never get to visit this part of the forums since I don't own a console and miss out on a lot of great games. :( But I plan to buy a PS4/Xbox 720 when it launches. :D

Anyways, a good friend of mine bought an Xbox360 a few months ago. We need some good fun co-op games to play. :D So please suggest a few titles we should look to try out.

We've started with Halo:Reach and also have the GoW series to play. :D
(I also get to try my hands on RDR :D)
In no particular order:

Army of Two
Army of Two: The 40th Day
Gears of War series (goes without saying)
Scott Pilgrim V/S The World (XBLA)
Castle Crashers (XBLA)
The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai (XBLA)
Thanks people.
Any good upcoming titles to look out for?

As I said, GoW series is obviously on the list. :D My friend said he'll be getting Portal 2 too.
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