XBOX 360 PAL version...Region Locked?

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Hey Guys,

I recently got a XBOX 360 pro from australia.... Gave it to my friend who tried running some games and dvds on it (bought from India, all originals)... but these did not work...
Austrlia xbox is PAL version but is it really region locked??:(

I am new here , but i am too from Australia and would like purchase XBOX 360 for my cousin's son .

I wrote to Microsoft customer service and below is the reply for the same. Hope it helps.

"Thank you for writing Xbox Customer Support!

This e-mail acknowledges our receipt of your message to Xbox Customer Support. We appreciate you taking the time to write us with your concerns and value you as an Xbox customer.

Thank you for the inquiry and I do apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused you. I understand that you want to purchase a console from Australia & gift it to your cousin who lives in India well I would like to inform you that this consoles are region specific & doesn't come with international warranty & moreover the games which are available in India will not work with this console because of the regional differences so my suggestion will be not to buy a console from Australia & use in India. "

Hope this helps.

I would like to know what if we buy the xbox from Dubai?


As far as I know you would need to get your Box modded to play even original games from India as the game DVDs are similar to Video DVDs as far as regions go. I had the original xBox which I got from the US but it had trouble playing NTSC games meant for Europe which my cousin got from Germany. After I had it modded, no problems whatsoever but then there was no point in buying original ones anyway ;).
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