Xbox 360 pricing out

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Microsoft announced the pricing of Xbox 360.

Microsoft has confirmed that its upcoming Xbox 360 console will debut in two flavors. You'll be able to pick that one up for $299 (it comes with one controller), while an Xbox 360 with a 20 GB hard drive, a wireless controller, a headset (used for talking with other players online) and a remote control will cost $399. The company would not say how many of each version it would have available. Nor did it further clarify its worldwide launch date for the system beyond "Holiday 2005".
Microsoft also announced the price points for over a dozen Xbox 360 accessories, including stand-alone wireless controllers ($50), detachable 20 GB hard drives ($100), headsets ($20) and Xbox 360 faceplates ($20), which allow users to customize their machine.

Those hoping to take advantage of the Xbox 360's oft-touted high definition graphics will either need to purchase the $400 bundle or buy separate component cables (which will sell for $40) along with the basic system. The lower-end package will ship with standard AV cables.

Gamers who buy the $400 version of the system will also find their hard drives pre-loaded with music, gaming videos and more, though Microsoft declined to specifically say what it planned to include on the hard drive.

I just hope it makes its way to India at the same time as rest of the world.
Then i might not buy t good GFX card for PC and get Xbox 360 insted.
funkymonkey said:
I just hope it makes its way to India at the same time as rest of the world.
Then i might not buy t good GFX card for PC and get Xbox 360 insted.

:tongue: I don't believe a word of that. Btw M$ will prolly try to milk the cash cow until the ps3 releases so i expect the prices to be on the higher side on launch.

Here's the retail box
Thats a lot of value for the extra 100$. Though I believe they shud have had the hard drive as standard since an xbox without a hard drive is actually a step back compared to the current xbox.
oh yea ..... console gaming wud be the way to be . I wonder wud it still be worth buying those 500 $ 7800 GTX's and their respective ATI counterparts . The very companies i.e nvidia and ati designing the graphic chips for the consoles are going to kill their gcard business ? .... mebbe the hardware available at the price point then wud surpass what the console has to offer at a lesser price . All that's certain is eye candy is definately gonna be sweeter ....much much sweeter .
Very competitive pricing !

I expect prices to drop by atleast $50 when the PS3 launches. Now Sony must really be chewing its nails ;) !
But, I guess the 360 would have carved out for itself a cult of fan-following by the time PS3 is released. And it better have something real good up its sleeve to fight the competition from MS. ;)
EXACTLY, we'll have to wait for at least 2 years after the launch of 360 to see the 'real' prices, ps3 is releasing a little before a year from 360's release, Revolution is releasing over a year ater 360's release, so the company's will be playing the price up and down till the 3 giants settle themselves down.
I'll be trying to pass the time with my gamecube and ps2 as long as i can, as sson as 399$ pack hits a little low, i'd do a U.k shipment right on.
Blade_Runner said:
:tongue: I don't believe a word of that. Btw M$ will prolly try to milk the cash cow until the ps3 releases so i expect the prices to be on the higher side on launch.

Here's the retail box

I did not say i wont upgrade or wont have kick @$$ CPU ;)
I just said i wont buy new graphic card. Maybe not for a year or so.
I havent played a single game in last month. Not even for 1 minute. My focus has shifter somewhat from gaming to pure ocing ;)
Some more details

Xbox 360 Core System - $299 (299 Euros, 209 GPB)
-Xbox 360 console
-Wired controller
-Detachable faceplate
-Xbox Live Silver membership
-Standard AV cables

Xbox 360 - $399 (399 Euros, 279 GPB)
-Xbox 360 console
-20GB detachable hard drive
-Wireless controller
-Wireless Xbox Live headset
-High-definition AV cables
-Ethernet cable
-Xbox 360 Media Remote Control (limited time)
-Detachable faceplate
-Xbox Live Silver membership

From the inquirer -

Faceplates - GBP 14.99 / 19.99 Euro
Controller (wired) - GBP 24.99 / 37.99 Euro
Component HD-AV Cable - GBP 19.99 / 29.99 Euro
Hard Drive (20GB) - GBP 69.99 / 99.99 Euro
Memory Unit (64MB) - GBP 22.99 / 34.99 Euro
Wireless Controller - GBP 32.99 / 44.99 Euro
Play & Charge Kit (recharges Wireless Controller during play) - GBP 14.99 / 19.99 Euro
Rechargeable battery pack - GBP 9.99 / 14.99 Euro
Wireless Networking Adapter - GBP 59.99 / 79.99 Euro
Headset - GBP 14.99 / 19.99 Euro
Universal Media Remote - GBP 19.99 / 29.99 Euro
SCART AV Cable - GBP 17.99 / 24.99 Euro
VGA HD-AV Cable - GBP 19.99 / 29.99 Euro
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