So we can we expect blurry images now?
Source: Lens of Truth
It appears that one of the PlayStation 3′s biggest advantages, MLAA, will be heading to the Xbox 360 and PC. A team of two developers have the effect working by using the GPU on both aforementioned systems.
Multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA) has been available to both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 since each system’s launch, however, bandwitdh and RAM limitations would often mean that early multi-platform games would only feature this anti-aliasing technique on the 360 version.
Sony fought back by creating a new effect called MLAA. This technique, first utilized in Sony’s incredible God of War III, used five of the PlayStation 3 SPUs to produce far superior results to the traditional MSAA by minimising jaggie visuals and creating an overall smoother looking image. MLAA is now a regular feature of both first and third party PS3 games.
Source: Lens of Truth