Xbox live gamertags thread.

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A lot of you guys seem to have one i.e an Xbox 360 and I wonder if some of you guys play on line.

I thought we could start a gamer tag collection here would be handy in building a friends list. Not a lot of fun playing with yanks and Brits.

So here we go.

Gamer tag DecadentMercy

My live sub ran out so I wont be on line this week. Will be back next week though.

Post your tag in the thread if you want to have a game sometime (Halo 3, GoW, Rainbow six, Crackdown etc.). If there are enough people I would update this post with the list of tags so we can send out friend requests.
Here is my tag: Scarezebra2
My subscription ran out some days back... Never got around to renewing it since i din't have the time to game... But i will be renewing the account in a day or 2.. Will see u online then....
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