Xbox live subscription prices?

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Recently i was quoted these prices by a XBOX online dealer,

xbox360 Live 3-mo Gld Crd - 1300
Xbox360 Live 1-mo Gld Crd - 525
Xbox360 Live 12-mo Gld Crd - 3249
yes the prices have been revised..

the cards now cost as mentioned by yaju..

however, they are still cheap on the XBL market place and u can also buy them from Xbox dot com if u have a credit card.
ya I also confirmed the new prices. But if you are really interested buy it online for 2250.
NOTE: If you buy a 1month or 3month subscription then soon after it expires M$ renews your subscription with a annual one. so those buying with CC (online) please be aware of this. The default option for renewing the subscription is for the Annual subscription but we can manually discontinue the subscription before it expires
yaju13385 said:
Recently i was quoted these prices by a XBOX online dealer,

xbox360 Live 3-mo Gld Crd - 1300

Xbox360 Live 1-mo Gld Crd - 525

Xbox360 Live 12-mo Gld Crd - 3249

you guys have to pay Rs 3249 yearly just to play multiplayers??????... what a rip off.
lmao hahaha interesting places this convo seems to be heading...but yea ps3 > than xbox in terms of graphics but in terms of price & no of games xbox > than ps3 :( sad but true..not to forget microsoft released it earler and faced those hell lot of red ring issues :P
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