Xbox modchip makers get their hands on the Xbox 360

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Xbox modchip makers get their hands on the Xbox 360

"Some guys at SmartXX managed to get their hands on a few Xbox 360 developer kits and have posted 40 high resolution shots of the motherboard for our viewing pleasure. If motherboard pictures are your thing then this is heaven in a .zip file. There are also shots of a pretty massive power supply, a new proprietary power plug, the cabling and also the USB wired controller.

I’m not sure exactly how they managed to get three Xbox 360s or what they’re doing with them, but it’s possible that they’re trying to develop some kind of a mod chip for the console. One of the main pictures of the Xboxes shows a blue SmartXX LT OPX, a modchip developed by the SmartXX peeps, posing with the machines. Also listed on the SmartXX site is an original Xbox running Darwin via a modchip, although that’s a seperate project by an individual sponsored by SmartXX. Soooo, Xbox 360s with SmartXX modchips and old Xboxes running OS X. Sure, that’s enough Xs to make a nun feel seedy, but could these guys be the first to get a working version of OS X onto the Xbox 360’s Triple Core IBM processor?"

Source: Joystiq
Whoa ! The Xbox360 already cracked ! I wonder what Microsoft will be thinking after they see these pics ;)
anishcool said:
Whoa ! The Xbox360 already cracked ! I wonder what Microsoft will be thinking after they see these pics ;)
not yet, even if in their hands its still going to take a while to crack it.
But good news for Asian's though.
Demand for piracy will be great since the avg of next-gen consoles games price will rise to $60 per game.
But that's only supoorting the hard work of the developers....
Well i have downloaded the zip file myself from the same location and its some 27 Mb. Mebbe they have removed it now but those pics are so HQ. A resolution of 1800x1350 :@ and they have completely disected the XBOX360 and given the pics. Looks awesome for sure. If the link doesnt work, i would upload the pics later.


Here are the screenshots of the thumbnails of the pic.

Yeah sourabh cud u resize them to a smaller resolution and upload it to imageshack since they have been taken off the site. :)
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