Xbox original - Any idea how much it sells for these days

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The subject is self explanatory..
Collegaue wants to run a distributed media network (basically a TV/Monitor in all rooms all hooked to one single media server) in his house and the original Xbox with XBMC seems like the best option for the client device

Any pointers on the availability and prevalent prices?
One of the best Media Player of its time XBOX Classic + XBMC..
I do not think you can fetch a new one, last time a saw one like a year ago it was available for 18k at Alfa... And the X360 was around at the same price.......
do they sell modchips like xecuter 3 or something equivalent in india ,most i heard have this chip called alladin.
the XBMC is realy great,i have a xbox which is completly stock,ntsc and lying with dust.
If you want, I can give you an XBOX but without the HDD and a blown PS. You will need to spend about 3000/- to get it repaired. Let me know. Will ship it with 1 joystick and the DVD Playback kit (Remote + IR Receiver). Unit is already hacked with the Evox Chip.
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