Xbox | Project Natal |


No Strings (or Controllers) Attached.
Introducing Project Natal, a revolutionary new way to play: no controller required. See a ball? Kick it, hit it, trap it or catch it. If you know how to move your hands, shake your hips or speak you and your friends can jump into the fun -- the only experience needed is life experience.

"For us, this E3 is about breaking down barriers – between generations, between games and entertainment, and most importantly, between dreamers and the future – in a way only Xbox 360 can."


"This is a pivotal moment that will carry with it a wave of change, the ripples of which will reach far beyond video games"

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I wud like to sit on couch or lie on bed while playing my game...not stand up & tire myself :p

b/w the video they showed, the family was having so much space to move around, whereas average people like me dont have so much of space to move around in front of TV screens...
Who says now.. that Playing video games or such gaming is a path to OBESITY? :)..

... Hmm Just wondering how will you play some 3D Sex based simulation games :rofl:
It is probably a premium product for premium ppl :p.. U obv cant see this happening in a 2 rooms flat (normal ones) with a Flat Screen CRT!!.. you try doing motion gaming there.. IT"LL SUCK!.. so a good news for biggies and bigshots :p
xXx said:
I wud like to sit on couch or lie on bed while playing my game...not stand up & tire myself :p
b/w the video they showed, the family was having so much space to move around, whereas average people like me dont have so much of space to move around in front of TV screens...
In future when I tell my kids I used to use a keyboard and a mouse for input and a gamepad for consoles they will laugh at me :p
Lionhead's Project Natal Video... Fakery?

Remember at about 1:55 in the Lionhead video of Project Natal, Peter Molyneux (now creative director at Microsoft Game Studios) points out "This wasn't acted"? If you don't, the video is below. Well, maybe that particular moment of goggle throwing wasn't.

What's interesting, however, is that Peter also points out (1:58) that "Everybody, every single person, that has experienced this reaches down (to catch the goggles that Milo throws)". Sure, this demo featuring uncanny Milo was obviously run hundreds of times with various staff members before being rolled out in front of the E3 crowds. That said, then, we can't be expected to believe that this is the first time that 'Claire' stood in front of the virtual lad. Something rankled...

Fast forward to 2:36 on the video, where Claire (or Clare) plays with the water. The reflection of Clare on screen shows her arms in roughly the correct positions in respect to real Clare. The water seems to be moving based in her hand movements.

However, keep watching to the point (2:37) where she appears to make a rippled appear on the left-hand side of the screen. Real Clare's arms are almost crossed in front of her. 'Reflected' Clare's arms are spread out. Even more startling is the fact that (see the screenshot) the ripple begins before Clare begins her gesture.

Says Peter Molyneux at this point, "There Clare is, in Milo's world. She's in that pond. Every hand movement is being recognised." Well, from the look of the footage is seems that either every hand movement is being pre-recognised, which is even more of an achievement.

Another few moments of fun include Clare's picture of a fish at about 3:35. Says Peter, "Clare drew a picture on a piece of paper... Milo looked at that piece of paper, recognised the shape, recognised the colour... and able to get on with his project". Sure, there's a bad piece of editing between "colour" and "able to get on" but that's not really the issue. The fact is that all Milo says is, "Orange, that's good", no fish recognition there. But we nitpick on that one.

The reason for the nitpickery being that darned pre-gesture ripple and the position of Clare's arms.

The fact that Peter ends his Molyneuxian presentation with, "This is true technology that science fiction has not even written about... and this works... today... now".

Weeeeell, sort of. Let's get one thing straight, we're not saying that Natal is out-and-out FUD that will never appear and that the Milo/Lionhead video is a complete and utter fake. We are saying that the Lionhead video is rather more acted, rather less well edited and just a tad less pushing the boundaries of "true technology" than we'd initially been lead to believe.

That is, of course, unless Milo's pond can recognise a hand movement before it's made.

Source: Lionhead's Project Natal Video... Fakery? - News (Xbox 360)

I somewhat agree on the article :)
whts the matter with you ppl.. guns and this and that.. screw all that.. just think about a sex game on this engine!!! u want a triger to fire?? guess what u need to play that sex game ;) That game will be released in Pervertarea / Vulgaria :D
Am sorry man.. but i cant stop :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
vij said:
Forget PS3. If its bugfree, with good games and priced well I am buying this sh1t.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Microsoft previews new controller

Microsoft has allowed the public to get their hands on its new hands-free games controller for the first time.

The US firm showed off the "Natal" technology, designed for use with its Xbox 360 console, at the European games convention gamescom in Germany.

The controller uses a microphone combined with visual and infrared cameras to control the onscreen action.

It was first unveiled at the E3 Expo in Los Angeles in June this year, but had not been on public display until now.
Project Natal for the XBOX 360.
Will it give Nintendo's Wii, a run for its money? :p



Personally, I never was into console gaming but this definitely looks promising !
