xbox vs psp

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both have their own pros and cons

If you want to keep it in home and want to play huge collection of different games in a high graphics then XBOX360 is good.

If mobility is the thing then go for PSP as it has limited no. of titles but some rocking stuff which u don wanna miss.
If you want high end gaming at home, then prefer PS3 over the XBOX360. 360 has very few good titles coming out these days. PS3 has all the good exclusives.

If you want entertainment/games on the go, then PSP is your choice. I have all three. With the massive power cuts in my area, I find myself using the PSP quite a lot even at home. This weekend, I must have spent about 12~14 hours on my PSP.

udayrulz said:
How can you compare a Handheld with a Console ?

joy1 said:
+1 , Both are completely different.

Stupid question really..

Not really. I was myself in a dilemma about the same choices just an year back and posted a thread about the same on these very forums. :P

Of course I already had a high end gaming PC and PS3 by that time and it was XBOX 360 vs PSP for me. I opted to get an XBOX 360 Elite in the end thinking that PSP is very little use when I am at home, but it turned out that I found very little use for the 360 as there were not many interesting exclusive titles. A couple of months back, I found myself looking extreme boredom in the eye due to the 7~10 hour power cuts on weekends and was forced to get myself a used PSP before I died of boredom. :rofl:
udayrulz said:
How can you compare a Handheld with a Console ? :S

When your not at home 5 days out of the 7 and you die to game any day no matter where/ what time you tend to ask such a question ? :S Most of my days i'm home just to sleep & then i'm out for the rest of the day ! Only during the weekends i get to relish gaming at home ! :bleh:
As far as mobility is concerned none of the handhelds beat psp it's awesome with some of exclusive titles like resistance retribution which keeps you on u r toes............

then god of wars:co extreme with different difficulty level.............
sharangaba said:
When your not at home 5 days out of the 7 and you die to game any day no matter where/ what time you tend to ask such a question ? :S Most of my days i'm home just to sleep & then i'm out for the rest of the day ! Only during the weekends i get to relish gaming at home ! :bleh:
So then why do you even care to know which one is better , even if the xbox is better it ain't portable is it .. and is not an option anyway for some one who doesn't stay at home / travels a lot .

If you want to compare then compare the PSP with a DS or something and not with the xbox .. :hap5:
udayrulz said:
So then why do you even care to know which one is better , even if the xbox is better it ain't portable is it .. and is not an option anyway for some one who doesn't stay at home / travels a lot .

If you want to compare then compare the PSP with a DS or something and not with the xbox .. :hap5:

agreed..but at the end of the day i also wanna know which one is worth the money..coz i don't have too many lol...ok fine..ds better or psp ? :S
sharangaba said:
agreed..but at the end of the day i also wanna know which one is worth the money..coz i don't have too many lol...ok fine..ds better or psp ? :S

there are 90% chances you going towards psp;still i will suggest you to go for DS purely for gaming reason
finally bought the psp 3004 :) for need to know how to get it cracked & what stick should i purchase & how much would it cost :) thanks in advance
I heard that psp3000 is not crackable. You should better get a premoded psp and the same vendor may sell memory stick full with games
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