udayrulz said:How can you compare a Handheld with a Console ? :S
udayrulz said:How can you compare a Handheld with a Console ?
joy1 said:+1 , Both are completely different.
Stupid question really..
udayrulz said:How can you compare a Handheld with a Console ? :S
:|sharangaba said:When your not at home 5 days out of the 7 and you die to game any day no matter where/ what time you tend to ask such a question ? :S Most of my days i'm home just to sleep & then i'm out for the rest of the day ! Only during the weekends i get to relish gaming at home ! :bleh:
udayrulz said::|
So then why do you even care to know which one is better , even if the xbox is better it ain't portable is it .. and is not an option anyway for some one who doesn't stay at home / travels a lot .
If you want to compare then compare the PSP with a DS or something and not with the xbox .. :hap5:
sharangaba said:agreed..but at the end of the day i also wanna know which one is worth the money..coz i don't have too many lol...ok fine..ds better or psp ? :S