For Sale !Xiaomi Mi Pad 16Gb White + MI inear PRO + MI piston V3 +MI 20000mah PB + Much more ..
PS : A free back cover and screen guard applied from day ONE
- Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL: Xiaomi Mi Pad 16Gb White + MI inear PRO + MI piston V3 +MI 20000mah PB + Much more ..
- Expected Price: MI PAD : 8999/- + Mi in ear PRO : 1399/- MI Piston V3 : 999/- Mi PB 20000mah : 1699/- MI Blue LED v2 : 250/- each Mi USB fan /- 250/- MI 4 PINK BACK COVER : 499
- Source and Time of Purchase: Bought MI PAD from Flipkart on 16 april 2015 NO warrntey REST from MI.COM last month
- Reason for Sale: FUND raiser FOR 1080 SLI
- RMA/Servicing history: TAb rmed once other never
- Product Condition: Awesome LIKE new ACC all r new like rarely used
- Purchase Invoice Available: Write ONLY Yes or No other warranty info/excuses for not having the invoice is not to be put here. (if yes then posting a clear image of the invoice as attachment is mandatory. Details: Announcement: New Classified Forum Rule For Invoice Available Claims )
- Company official Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: /No | 0 Months
- Accessories Included: Whatever comes in tha box
- Product Location: Bhavnagar GUJART
- Preferred Courier: DTDC
- Shipping Charges: Free for MI PAD Rest for 50rs
- Payment Options: NEFT
PS : A free back cover and screen guard applied from day ONE