As per what is seen in the leaked photos, the design of Mi laptops might be very similar to that of Apple’s Macbook Air with some Xiaomi tweaks. The laptop has the similar looking silver body and the bezel size, keyboard style and other aesthetics are quite identical too. The Mi branding is at the bottom of the screen as well on the back. The report suggests that Xiaomi will boot with a customised Linux OS.
Moving to the configuration, this laptop sports a 15” screen with full 1080p resolution which will provide a great visual experience to the user. The Mi laptops will have Intel’s Haswell chipset with core i7 processor which is a perfect combo of power, performance and battery life. There is special system for RAM, it provides two 8GB dual channel memory modules. In total, it features a 16 GB of RAM. Details about I/O ports are not confirmed yet.
Specifications of the Mi laptop will definitely attract many enthusiasts and the price is going to be a cherry on the cake, as it is expected that Xiaomi will sell this laptop at price tag of 2,999 CNY which is roughly 30,700 INR.
Moving to the configuration, this laptop sports a 15” screen with full 1080p resolution which will provide a great visual experience to the user. The Mi laptops will have Intel’s Haswell chipset with core i7 processor which is a perfect combo of power, performance and battery life. There is special system for RAM, it provides two 8GB dual channel memory modules. In total, it features a 16 GB of RAM. Details about I/O ports are not confirmed yet.
Specifications of the Mi laptop will definitely attract many enthusiasts and the price is going to be a cherry on the cake, as it is expected that Xiaomi will sell this laptop at price tag of 2,999 CNY which is roughly 30,700 INR.