XP installation help


Hello ppl,

This is very urgent and I am in a great fix..
My system got shut down when I was defragmenting and I dunno what happened later, my taskbar wasn't running...Also before it reboot it had fixed some disk check errors for a long time..

After that I tried removing XP and installing a fresh one.. I tried using a CD which had worked for me before, it copied all installation files and when it rebooted all I see is a black screen after the message please press any key to boot from CD!

I thought it was a prob with the CD and tried another one. Still same prob..

I installed Fedora and it was a breeze.. Now I have formatted my previously C drive to ext3.. I tried running another CD, stilll no luck ! whats the prob???:(
Use the cd to repair the installation and see..

But for that, your fedora installation will be crapped...

So if u still want to try , start by using some disk utility..there might still be some disk errors...or, erase the partition and the create it again...

Similar thing happened to me once, was installing xp, realised it was the partition i wanted to install vista on, so restarted in middle of install, and then the bios wasnt able to detect hdd...Since in ur case its getting detected, try some disk repair utility..
Did you remove the disk after rebooting when it had copied the installation files ?

Some BIOS'es automatically boot from CD
Party Monger said:
Use the cd to repair the installation and see..

But for that, your fedora installation will be crapped...

So if u still want to try , start by using some disk utility..there might still be some disk errors...or, erase the partition and the create it again...

Similar thing happened to me once, was installing xp, realised it was the partition i wanted to install vista on, so restarted in middle of install, and then the bios wasnt able to detect hdd...Since in ur case its getting detected, try some disk repair utility..

yeah I am able to install Fedora again too..The prob is only with win XP professional..I put a XP 64 cd it is able to run halfway and then stops saying iastor.sys is not supported on your hardware and exits.. I don't even get the blue screen in XP pro.:(
manu1991 said:
Did you remove the disk after rebooting when it had copied the installation files ?

Some BIOS'es automatically boot from CD

Exactly.. It had copied installation files, then it had to reboot..IT did and then I got this black screen for a long time.. I rebooted and I have this prob ever since :(
Try to format your hard drive full, I mean with boot sector. Use something like KillDisk “killdisk.com” you will lose everything but your hard drive will be clean like new
i guess there must have been a messup in bios.....
try this....
first of all reset ur bios to default.....
install windows......
--> most imp...... as u said there was a problem while defrag. u will have to re-assign disk size.... it is an intermediate stage in install process...... this shall solve all ur prbz...
after coping install files... remove disk or do not press any key....
hope i helped:)
Guys after inserting the disc, I am not able to do anything else.. Its just a black screen! my HD is busy though, I kept for an hour, still no luck..

How to use killdisk?? I don't have windows !!!

is there something like that using linux??

I am planning to download bootable image of DOS and burn it onto a CD and try?? any help??

Please help me :(
I saw in many forums that I shouldn't have 'any' key when it asked me to after the CD has copied files onto disk..Now That I did, I am not finding a way to repair it.. I tried formatting using Qtparted, it said successful and after a refresh it says unknown partition!!