xp installation , SATA issue

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i am trying to install windows xp sp3 on my hp pavillion dv61215ee laptop which comes with pre installed windows vista, while the set up is about to start im getting a blue screen, it had ooccured to me before(in my desktop) , i know its due to sata issue, so i used to change the sata/ide settings in bios.. but in this laptop, in the BIOS theres no option to change that under "CONFIGURATION" or any other menus.. :(:(:(

pls help me out, if any1 has any idea...
r u trying to install xp on already setup vista drive?

you will need to first remove vista.

and for your sata issue refer to laptop manual.

and dont mix desktop with laptop. I dont think its any sata though here.
Umm, if you change the SATA configuration, the Vista installation might start giving problems. Better, upgrade your XP boot media by slip-streaming the SATA drivers using nLite. Are you sure the blue screen is because of the SATA config? I would normally assume that the lack of relevant SATA drivers in the XP installation media would only hide the installed hdds. Logically, it should not cause a blue screen.

Also, follow the tutorials for dual booting on lappies so you don't mess up your existing Vista.
haider_up32 said:
i am quite sure u have to change the BIOS settings...look all settings one by one

tried fully, i noticed tht theres only a fewer options available in the BIOS, is there anything like advanced mode or something?:S:S
@anish_sha, like I said, you don't need to do that if you slipstream the relevant SATA drivers in your XP installation media. Use nLite. It's much easier than you think.
Naga said:
@anish_sha, like I said, you don't need to do that if you slipstream the relevant SATA drivers in your XP installation media. Use nLite. It's much easier than you think.

where to find the sata drivers???:(:(
Naga said:
Umm, your manufacturer's site? Gimme the model no and I'll link you to the proper drivers. The model mentioned in your 1st post gives me this ->Product search results

i tried out tht, but it gives me just one file... in that theres no sata driver....:(:(

also tried out installing a xp version that is having SATA drivers integrated

Windows XP Professional with SP3 for SATA Installation WaReZRoCkeR - Full Softwares, Movies, MP3, Albums, Games, E- Books, Rapidshare, Megaupload Links
that also didnt work out :-( :-(
Are you sure there is no option like AHCI - enabled or disabled. If there is one, set the AHCI to disabled and then install XP.
rareravi said:
UseNlite and slipstream drivers and install xp..
Did Tht , xp was installed and during the first booting up of screen after the windows xp screen, the screen just blinks and restarts , now can't log in to vista or xp, really screwed up :-( :-(
Is there anyway to get back my vista os atleast or will have to do complete recovery using ,y recovery disks???
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