XP showing wrong free disk space

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I have Windows XP. I had XP running on drive C, recently i installed it on other drive and now i am running on new drive . Now when i am trying to format drive C, it is not able to do. It says unable to format, i also tried through dos, but no use.
So , i manully deleted the windows files, but some files are not getting deleted.
It say it is it cannot delete because it is in use or check if disk is full (none of it is true). All other files are deleted. document and setting file is also not getting deleted - same error.

Also the total disk space is 4.87 GB and it is showing only 2.27 GB as free. Where is the remaining 2.58 GB?
The none deletable above files do not have that much size. it hardly have 500mb size. Where is the other space utilized? i also cleared the recyle bin, no use.

Can you tell me where is the issue?
I wonder if its coz of the virtual memory allocation. But in that case too the formatting should go fine afaict.
you cannot just delete windows files from a previous drive and expect everything to be fine. Now that you installed windows on a different partition it probably put some data on the other primary partition C:\ which you had windows on previously. Also check if page file is alloted to drive c and if System restore could be using the space.
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