XP SP2 install on Intel G33FB Mobo

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I have the Intel G33FB mobo running an E6550 COre 2 duo.
I also have SATA 7200.10 seagate 80 GB HDD.

When I try to install XP SP2 on the system it boots fine from CD and loads the thing from the first things but shows an error after It shows " Setup is Starting Windows".

Error is STOP error with a code 000000007B something .
Google foung me that it has something to do with the hard disks or something.

Now the curious thing is when I set The SATA setting as IDE instead of default AHCI. It boots and the install goes all the way. But as soon as I rest it to AHCI the system refuses to boot Win XP again.
SO there are two questions...

1. Can I do something in my Xp install( install some extra drivers or something) to make it work with AHCI setting??

2. If not then is there a way to do something at install (come there atleast has to be a way) to make it work with AHCI???

I really need this as I have a separate Fedora9 installation which boots fine with AHCI bbut refuses to boot with IDE on. So guys come On save me here.

HOw did ya guys install windows on G33 etc???
try to tun chkdsk /p and then chkdsk /r it might fix the problem chances are 60% ,else u moght need to unistall service pack 2 from recovery console ,steps are given below

At the command prompt, type cd $ntservicepackuninstall$\spuninst, and then press ENTER.

Note After you complete this step, you cannot stop the removal process.
At the command prompt, type batch spuninst.txt, and then press ENTER.
Well thanks for a suggestion but I dont see how thats gona help

Can you elaborate whate chkdsk /p and chkdsk /r do and how do I run then if I cant even boot into windows do I run em in IDe mode????
TheIcebreaker said:
Well thanks for a suggestion but I dont see how thats gona help
Can you elaborate whate chkdsk /p and chkdsk /r do and how do I run then if I cant even boot into windows do I run em in IDe mode????

Here are the steps abt how to run chkdsk/p and chkdsk /r

1) Boot the computer from the windows XP disk
2) when u see the windows XP welcome screen where it says press enter to install windows Xp and R to repair ,hit R
3) Then hit 1 and enter select the Operating system by default its 1
4) its gonna ask u for administrator password incase if u have one punch it in and hit enter ,incase if u dont have one just hit enter
5) now u are gonna have a prompt now punch in chkdsk /p incase you get a error message saying "One or more unrecoverable error found on disk " it may be that ur HDD is kaput to confirm that hit chkdsk /r its gonna try to repair the HDD once again if ur gonna get the same error message try to replace the HDD ASAP....
Well thanks again for the trouble, but google helped me solve the problem. Apparantly there a separate AHCI driver which is supposed to be installed when setup asks for it at the start (Press F6).

Since I dont have a floppy drive I coudnt do it. So you have to do it after install. So it worked after I did it.
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