Laptops XPS 15 9560 QC issues in Indian models?


Hello folks,

Finally decided to bite the bullet and order an XPS 15 9560. I am well aware of all the QC issues plaguing the line but there's little data on the Indian configs being sold. Quoting a list of QC issues from a Reddit thread:
  • Coil Whine
  • Dead Pixels
  • Flat Surface Stability
  • Light Bleed
  • Screen Flickering
  • Screen Misalignment
  • Screen Tint
  • Speaker distortion
  • Sticky Keys
  • Touchpad Misalignment
  • Wifi Drops/ Slow Speeds
  • Thermal throttling
I am just going to get on phone with my sales representative so far and ask for a written email assurance that my laptop will be promptly replaced if I find out there are issues like this. 90% sure they won't comply, but at least I have to do my part and press for it as much as I can.

It's a very expensive machine that I'm buying primarily for dev work. MacBook Pro 2015-2017 have their own keyboard issues which would be far more detrimental to my work than these issues.

Any thoughts?
MacBook Pro 2015-2017 have their own keyboard issues which would be far more detrimental to my work than these issues.
Apple's customer support is miles ahead of Dell. Even if by chance you get a laptop with a faulty keyboard, I'm pretty sure Apple would replace it for free!