Xsos Usb V0.7

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UPDATE : New V0.7.0 is out, download link edited please download and report your experience. All you need to do is do a quick test if its detecting all cores or not and BOINC using all cores or not.

Ok guys.
Gonna keep this short.

nn_step on XS is developing a USB stick bootable OS specially made for WCG crunching.
Basically if you wanna make a cruncher without investing in HDD, well here is the solution.
Do no under any condition use this OS for anything else. its not optimized for complete computing. And its being developed with only 1 aim and thats to get WCG boinc client up and running. Do not leak this to your friends for any other purpose.

Originally Posted by : nn_step

Link : Directory list
Download everything, extract into any folder and format USB FLASH drive using PEtoUSB, then extract the OS.rar into the Flash drive. We need feedback and as much of it humanly possible. The first concern is WCG and making sure that it works and that it works well. PLEASE READ THE FILE IN THE RAR BEFORE INSTALLING

I have got permission to post it here.

Original thread : Xsos Usb V0.7 - XtremeSystems Forums

Any question? feel free to post there. or post here. use code tag as far as possible

petousb tool to format the usb stick is attached as attachment.


yes. basically useful for people who wanna resurrect some hardware into cruncher without need of hdd.

I can now pull off HDD from my dedicated cruncher :P
ths is excellent , not to mention , low on resources without anything else using cpu .... but what about drivers etc for your network card , and whatabout your internet conn ?

could the process be shed some more light on ?
Ank1t said:
Hmm.. Does this mean i can just plug n the USB drive into any computer and it'l crunch?

Yes thats exactly what it means. Its self sufficient os for crunching. It can boot from as small as 256MB usb drive or memory card with card reader as long as you follow the procedure.

Update : new version of the os is out. Please check and give some feedback so it helps the creator to improve it. Do post your full config as well. I will be forwarding all the feedback to the nn.
ok guys.

New version of XSOS USB is out.

New version is v0.7

The devloper desperately needs some feedback on this.

Even if you do not plan to run this on your system, please spend 15 minutes of your time and try it out and give some feedback so it can be made better.

This will work from all sorts of media including HDD.

Please post some feedback.
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