Yahoo Messenger for Windows Vista

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The L33t Admeen
Yahoo has released the preview of its Yahoo Messenger for Vista

Check it out


Download Here


New look for the smilies (for just one second, afterwards its normal)

Doesn't work on Vista x64, which I find excessively stupid. I mean, the regular messenger does, and there is nothing in messenger which would mean that the 64bit and 32bit code paths be different. It is a regular app, and it doesn't need (direct) device driver access.
Thanks for this.

@Kingkrool strange tht it doesnt work for X64,maybe a separate version for X64 is gonna be released.
Tried.. but not as great as promised...

One more version??
man there r already so many floating around...did ya all try compatiblity mode??
The interface is too blackish for my liking! Any new skins available yet other than the default ones ?
It is bloody incomplete... Half the things in there arent working. Audibles are missing, file transfer is patchy at best. It doesnt have sounds.

Interface is great, but as usual, it is a resource hog. Yahoo needs to putin some major work. Till then, Pidgin it is...
Pidgin is awesome but lacks a nice GUI ... im waiting for trilian Astra :D untill then the ping pigeon is gonna slog it out for me :)
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