Yahoo messenger prob

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I'm using yahoo msg upgraded to 9 beta.

It always happens, tht whenever any of my friends from the list comes online, he appears to be offline. Though we can chat...its only when i ask them why r u Invisible, then they r seen Online in my list.
They have not stealth their settings bt still they r offiline in my messenger. Also i've not tampered with my privacy settings.
Wht cud b wrong??
when you ask someone "why are u invisible?" they realized they have kept u in stealth mode and then unstealth ur id :P . I never had the above problem with yahoo 9 even though it tends to crash more .
maybe they are hiding from u...or most probably its beta 9 bug...i had the same prob..people couldnt see me online even though i wasnt invisible..
Yup its a yahoo beta9 bug..

i too had the same prob..... i hv reported it to the yahoo consultant also...

they said that they will first gather the list of bugs and then start their full release development.. i think its goin on.... lets see....
guys guys guys....just yesterday i shifted to ver 9 just to verify the problem. It was same in ver 8. N i have 2 systems at home, so no way of Stealth settings there, i cross checked in front of my eyes with couple of my friends loggin with their IDs on either machines.

It was observed that especially for me, they have to re-select their status to Available. Then only i was able to see them online.
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