Yahoo/Msn id's of all members (includng Mods/Admins)

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Analog Vibes
hi ..guys...

just wanted to ask u ppl ..if u can post .u r yahoo or msn messenger ids..along with u r name ?....i hope u ppl wont mind..if i would contact u for other then TE stuff...just need to make some good .. friends....and ppl to talk with in my free time..

just reply with your messenger id and u r real name...:hap2: :hap2:
come on reply ...guys ???

if u dont want to publically display..u r id..just add me on yahoo and IM me ..abt u r TE details...

my yahoo id : im_tech_freek
this thread is Not a really good idea to be honest...u can chk out people profiles for their yahoo and msn ids... :)
but many dont have their yahoo id's their profiles.....specially the one's i want to know !!

ok if no one's intrested..its ok..
So PM people as and when the need arises to contact them via MSN/Yahoo - as and when the need arises ;)
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