Your personal opinions on Quotas


Recently some retarded minister for social welffare or some $#!t had spoken to Narayan Murthy of Infy and told him to act and give enough jobs to SC/ST and backward classes or the govt itself will pass a resolution and make it compulsory in the private sector.

India has one of the highest reservations anywhere in the world. EVERYWHERE we see reservations. Schools, Colleges, Public sector jobs....

Why the f*** should jobs be reserved for people who are too dumb to get the same job on merit??

It was said in the TOI article that this female is going to talk to Rahul Bajaj(of Bajaj Auto) also. She wants the industry to act on it's own or she is threatening to pass a resolution to enforce the quota system in Private sector too...

Is this the way India is going to progress?? Reserving jobs for people who dont deserve it??

Initially the quota system was useful for the SC/STs after independance. It has been almost 60 yrs now. Till now if these backward classes have not become forward classes, what makes the govt think that in another 10 yrs they will??

The quota system will just encourage these lazy buggers to continue to laze around and join big companies through the Quota system.
Its a vote bank for those maggots, and they will follow it at their heartiest. The quota system in education is worst in Maharashtra with only 30% of total seats are on merit on graduate as well as PG courses. You know in Mah they have a disputed Maharashtra vs karnataka quota, and if you are lucky guy to be born in that place you will get admission in any coll irrespective of your marks !!
I agree., in the 21st century, the quota system should be removed. the only reason its still there is because ALL Political parties need their vote-banks.

I believe a quota system can be introduced (only in education) based ONLY on economic status and not on caste grounds.

Isnt the caste system outlawed by the Constitution?
Well, it still exists in the Education system (read-> College admissions).
lol..u guys shud checkout AP, around 0.5% seats are only available for OC Boys$$holes..and as if the existing quotas were not enuff they want to bring on more quotas??even in private companies?? IIMs have quotas??

hmmm.... and then they say they wanna bring in economic liberalisation by making reservations for the one thing that people work hard for(jobs in private companies)...

this is only gonna take india backwards rather then forward....

quotas hurt the economy bad.. cause when you garantee a job for someone with having to work hard. that person is bound to become lethargic and take undue advantage of the system which most of the times hurts the productivity of the company...(read - government).. its soo visible...

had there been accountability for people who come through quotas the government machinery would have been so much more productive!!
Thankfully IIMs dont have a quota. IIIT Hyd is probably one of the very very few Engg schools in India that doesnt have a quota. Its probably the reason why its doing so well. Zilch quotas = brighter talent. Shame on the politicians for even having the b@##$ to say they want to enforce quotas in private companies!
2days or yesterdays times had a news saying that all iits will have 20-30 % (dont remember exactly) quota from now on...n all remaining institutes like nid etc to follow suit...mebbe iim too will be covered?
IIT's already have 15% reservation, so it is just a minor extension for them.

Besides, most states have 50% reservation (maximum allowed by law). TN has more than 50% even though the SC has said that 50% is the maximum.