Youth hostel/student accommodation in banglore?

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Our college has finally given us permission for an Industrial Visit to Banglore. We are supposed to attend a seminar in Banglore on 30/31 of this month. Around 50 students (gals and guys :P) would be getting there on the 28th for 2 days of fun before the official stuff. Is there any good place for students to stay for like 3 days? I can always try YMCA, but are girls allowed there?

None of my classmates know banglore real well, so any help appreciated :)

P.S : We are on a tight budget. So any decent place would do fine! Not really looking at thousand bucks a day per room.
Contact Youth Hostel. They might have a really cheap place for you people to stay. They'll give you separate Dorms for girls and guys.

My grandad founded Youth Hostels in India :D
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