Linux znc webadmin configuration help

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hi there,

I am new to znc and learning it. I am able to connect to irc server, but need assistance in configuring global modules such as nickserv, keepnick etc. etc.

Google didnt give me enough answers that is why i am here asking for your help.

znc running on Ubuntu 11.10.

In znc webadmin , what i understand is that once you put your identification pass in nickserv row, znc will auto - identify with nickserv.

In my case that doesnt happens. I have to use the perform commands to identify to nickserv. same goes for keepnick , zncwiki doesnt list what argument to put here. It looks like straight forward, but doesnt seems to work. am i missing any libs ? perl, python, extra, tcl were installed initially via synaptic.

If anyone can find detailed wiki/tut for webadmin arguments, pls let me know.


Can anyone asssist in "timer" commands for perform ?
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