Linux ZOMGZ You MUST read this!!!

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School teacher bans Linux

"Her reaction was as though the boy was peddling drugs. The unnamed teacher apparently believed that anything that wasn't Windows was illegal and immoral. She confiscated the discs and put him on detention."

School teacher bans Linux- The Inquirer

Im trying to find an adjective which best describes these sorta people, but i think i need help in inventing one. Douchebag sounds like a close runner up.

It is perhaps one of the most ridiculous things that i have ever heard, its gonna take my number 3 spot for now, the Big R is no1.

I hope i got the article in the right section =)

P.S Read the comments, its really funny!
omg ulti....

the unnamed teacher apparently believed that anything that wasn't Windows was illegal and immoral

no comments.....[havnt stopped laughing]

"I am anxious to meet a person who is this uninformed and still holds a position of authority and learnedness over our children," Starks wrote.
...the teacher got pwned

PiXeLpUsHeR said:
Sad that we live in a world where the educated are uneducated

Uneducated people take care of educating future generations.....

well i have even seen people who refuse to beleive that word document can be opened with open source office and still can be changed and saved..... more over they even refuse to work on such occassions....
Namic said:
omg ulti....

no comments.....[havnt stopped laughing]

...the teacher got pwned

Uneducated people take care of educating future generations.....

well i have even seen people who refuse to beleive that word document can be opened with open source office and still can be changed and saved..... more over they even refuse to work on such occassions....
Ulti indeed.. whats wrong with these people? i mean dont these idiots have a single inch of common sense .. atleast be sure on what you are stating right?

"I along with many others tried Linux during college and I assure you, the claims you make are grossly over-stated and hinge on falsehoods. I admire your attempts in getting computers in the hands of disadvantaged people but putting Linux on these machines is holding our kids back," she wrote.

^^ THat sentence that you put up there, has really got me thinking and im still not able to crack it. Im just trying my best to try and come up with an OS that existed when she was there(in college) which was claimed to be free and yet charged money. Was there ever such an OS? Or is the teacher getting confused with Shareware programs for windows? Or maybe she was referring to MSDOS?

Sigh, my head aches when i put myself in her shoes.
^if it is hoax ,then why she(he?) removed the hosting from Linux servers to window$ one when she found that! :P

Employee relations have never been worse at Ubuntu Co. Would you want to use software developed under conditions like this? Those of us who wish to make a moral stand should reject this criminal software.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Now we understands why window$ is Idiot-friendly
^if it is hoax ,then why she(he?) removed the hosting from Linux servers to window$ one when she found that!

Take a random sampling of articles on that site...Won't take you long to realize it's a satirical take on the world around us
not completely a satire.I agree with that site regarding some views they put up with(psst ..Obama)

please ...even the site admins wouldn't agree in real life with the screwed up take with Obama they have put up there
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