I was looking for a lowest price for Panasonic Lumix Fz150 in India.
And found Photo books, Digital Cameras, SLR, Photo Prints | ZoomIn selling it for Rs 21,999/- with a PRICE MATCH guaranty, saying "if you can show us low price offered by any site, we will also give you on that price or if you have already bought we will return the difference". But I found No.1 Online Electronics Retailer. Shop Online in India for Electronics, Mobiles, Cameras, Appliances, Computers. is selling it with Rs 19,740/- with a public discount coupon of Rs 4,500/- off !!!
And I just got a call from zoomin and said we can give it min upto Rs 21,500/- !!!!
So what about their PRICE MATCH claim then ?
Is it fake or to they use such tag line to lure customers ?
And found Photo books, Digital Cameras, SLR, Photo Prints | ZoomIn selling it for Rs 21,999/- with a PRICE MATCH guaranty, saying "if you can show us low price offered by any site, we will also give you on that price or if you have already bought we will return the difference". But I found No.1 Online Electronics Retailer. Shop Online in India for Electronics, Mobiles, Cameras, Appliances, Computers. is selling it with Rs 19,740/- with a public discount coupon of Rs 4,500/- off !!!
And I just got a call from zoomin and said we can give it min upto Rs 21,500/- !!!!
So what about their PRICE MATCH claim then ?
Is it fake or to they use such tag line to lure customers ?