Article written by a Mac user on Using Windows 7

This is a nicely written article, don't get me wrong I admit I am a windows man because of the things we do with the hardware, overclocking, gaming the availability of slew of softwares for any work I mean the list is endless but
:hap2: :hap2:
Speaking objectively read this before posting I Request you.

Will Windows 7 stymie Mac OS X's growth? | The Digital Home - CNET News

No Bashing Please I do that the whole day trying to shoo away Apple Fanboys or fanbois as I love to call them.
he means the unthinkable is happening... referring to the line above it:

I'm starting to prep myself for the single moment that I thought would never come: I'll be using a Windows 7 machine as my main computer and telling anyone who will listen that, believe it or not, using the latest Microsoft operating system really is worth it.
Now I couldn't stop myself from congratulating you on being a patient and fair reader, as I myself do read the article properly.
The unthinkable is really happening man.
The best part is I am installing it on 2 of my friends macbooks who are photographers seeing the hype being created they have asked me to put win 7 on their machines through bootcamp
I really found out a nice guide here.
Guide: Windows 7 x64 Build 7000 on a Macbook Pro | Coffeestops!
vishalrao said:
he means the unthinkable is happening... referring to the line above it:
As a person who performs almost every computing task on a Mac and tells anyone who will listen that at this point, the average consumer should be using a Mac instead of a Windows machine because of security and usability, I'm starting to prep myself for the single moment that I thought would never come: I'll be using a Windows 7 machine as my main computer and telling anyone who will listen that, believe it or not, using the latest Microsoft operating system really is worth it.

Its already happening..

The time has come:)

Snow leopard is already looking like a big letdown..WIn 7 pwn it big time..

People who waited to upgrade their pcs and Os will jump the wagon here.. Microsoft took a gamble with vista by totally redoing many architectures of its Os from the very base, and now its paying off..A well deserved success..
And mac fanbois crying surprise..

No one is crying foul

And I did not even comment on Windows 7 at all (since I haven't tried the beta yet)

All I said was the article is shallow, which any half educated person can figure out it is