Feedback Errors


  • 1.jpg
    17.7 KB · Views: 826
I'm getting the following for every single feedback I'm trying to leave. Please help.


  • Screenshot_20210824-113319_Chrome.jpg
    103.4 KB · Views: 473
Strange issue. ajish65 has been able to leave you feedback for the same thread.

At least you and ajish65 have been able to exchange feedback for another thread.
just to inform the mods, i faced the double feedback issue when i wrote feedback on last two deals. also i am still not able to put feedback from smartphone(android).
just to inform the mods, i faced the double feedback issue when i wrote feedback on last two deals. also i am still not able to put feedback from smartphone(android).
Yes, Both bugs are known.
Feedback is a 3rd party plugin. Renegade had updated the plugin to see if it's resolved, but doesn't look like.