Graphic Cards Howz the 9400GT

though a single HD4850 is around 5-10% but if u wanna CF ur card later den HD4770 CF will give u much better performance den HD4850 CF cuz its GDDR5 based as compared to GDDR3 of HD4850..n even a single HD4770 will give u performance "almost" equivalent to HD4850 without any considerable difference n sometimes even better runs cooler n also consume less power..its a bit cheaper den HD4850 all in all my vote goes for HD4770 cuz HD4850 isn't as strong as it shld b against HD4770 :)
9400gt will come around 1400-1500 bucks (2nd hand). This card is a succesor of 8400gt. This card can be beaten by 8500gt and 8600gt most probably. You should atleast go for 9600gt or 9600gso for better propects in the future.