Microwave Dilemma,Which one to buy??


I am planning to buy a microwave oven within a week,until now i have decided to get a convection microwave oven as it can be used for baking as well.
i hope i have got this right,my basic requirements are cooking food as well as using it for baking cakes.if i am wrong somewhere then please guide me.
also,there are a lot of brands these days in the market with lots of different features,so i was looking for your feedback on which one to buy.


Well all brands are quite good like panasonic,LG and whirlpool.Look for one that has a steel cavity,rather then some bionic and ceramic coat based ones.
am jumping in between as searching for valid option in Microwave.
Heard that convection with coil type r better idea to go with. +adding steel cavity as told by adder.
Now which brand go for?
I have been using Kenstar for past 4 years.. don't remember the model but it is a 20 litre one with Microwave + Grill + Convection. Quite good. Very recently it suddenly stopped working, and I had a chance to try their service. I called their toll free number and the next day some one visited my place and fixed the problem with charges of Rs. 250/- only (some diode component had blown, which was replaced). I am quite impressed by the microwave as well as their service. Have not tried baking a cake yet :)

There is another one from IFB at my in-laws place (IFB ones are made in Goa plant I suppose) , and it is also quite good at baking and casual cooking. It is cheaper too. IFB service at least in Goa, is very good.
^ for paneer tikka get the grill one, but let me warn you the tikka made with microwave will not taste similar to the one made from a tandoor. so do the dishes made using the microwave oven. btw i have LG 20 litre microwave oven which has grill and convection..