What does your Username Mean ?


So... what did u really thought while making your username???

PS : Does the last one reminds you someone??? :p
Well those days I was a fan of Abhishek bacchan and the movie bluffmaster. Also I think I am good at bluffing hence I chose the name Bluffmaster. :p


i was making a gamespy id 10 years back, and out of sheer laziness i had to pick a random username it threw at me, and ive kept it since then :p

Reeking- Smelly

Archvile- is some alien or smthng i guess :p
i've pretty much had this username all over the internet (email, forums, irc etc) since i started back around mid to late 90s so i guess i've been middle aged since i was 20 ??? :D

my FPS shooter (doom, unreal, quake etc) nick is (was) usually "sitting duck" though, you see the self-deprecating humour in that? unlike calling yourself "the leet dood" heh
^ lol!!

btw my name is sohail and the thing behind "99" is quite interwoven in my life!!

- like in school, I tried so hard to get at least a 100 but always ended up at 99!

- There was this time (~5-6yrs ago) when I weighed 99Kgs!! :eek: (now75! :D)

During those moments I got quite attached to the no "99"

But after seeing Hitman I quite liked the no 47! :p
blue and ren are two different usernames. Blue is the first half of my 1st username I ever created and ren is the ending part of someone else's ;) Many forums, one username.