You want it you got it

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Max...don't agree with you here buddy...

For one, you know where I work, I know where you work...We agree that I have more hardware in 'office' than you got. I also got a hardware shop back home in Jabalpur, much like the one you got in noida...

Now that we've stripped off the kiddy gloves some points...

1. What's the sense in posting stuff that isn't yours? I never did that when I worked 'there' ;)

2. This is a forum, you throw sh1t at people, its gonna splatter on you some...One of the most difficult things to do is not to react, however, like all difficult things it rewards you the most in the long run. Also its not about having a rolls, but about havin one and thinkin that gives u the right to crap on your neighbour who has a maruti...:p hope you get my drift...

3. Your title itself radiates hostility... What's that gonna get ya? There's loads of guys here with more cash than you, even more attitude, and definitely more character... Same can be said about me (so no offense please)...

4. You can be a helpful, contributing member, I've seen this on TT. Why not here? Just can the attitude a bit, we all need to at times yaar.

I hope this will be taken in the right spirit. This goes not only for max, but all us 'attitude duudes' out there...Take a chill pill as I believe bikey would say :)

OT: Vij...need a game tester?? Salary no bar for the right company, right environment...Not joking!

edit: just read some more of the posts above. Chill guys, give someone a chance. Max, you need to take this in context as well.
^^ completely agree..

everybody just cool down...and MAX u dnt need to say good bye just for some simple reasons like happy ..u ve all got such a exciting jobs..almost all of u ..have got superb jobs...something i dream testing..and all..something challenging..and a work/job for which i would be ready to work without a pay..lolz...he he......but @ times..u all behave childish thats what i ve observed..during my stay here...(no offense meant 2 any1)...

cmon everybody cool down...all of u ve got kewl and rocking rigs.(look @ my crap RIG-but i am still happy wid it ,though i never got anything that i could show off with..).and superb life...there's no need to have arguments and kinda fights over such small issues....we are here to help each other and enjoy.

(that's what i think i am here 4).
^^ Rightly put :)

Guys, lay off MaxAxe.. and I think he was trying to say that the stuff he's posted is his personal stuff, not something he flicked from his "work" place.

Closing thread for now. MaxAxe, start a new thread with a little less hostility if you're keen on it ;)
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