Achieved unsigned userland code execution with some of our stuff in reserve. Now we have a good platform for poking the kernel. is hardly the first to bring a fingerprint sensor to a smartphone — Motorola Mobility baked one such sensor into the back of its 2011 flagship the Motorola Atrix, which allowed users to swipe their fingers across it to unlock the device. The crucial issue though was that the sensor itself seemed awfully finicky and wouldn’t always correctly accept a user’s finger inputs. That little stumbling block ultimately meant that the fingerprint sensor wound up being more hassle than it was worth in most cases, and I’m sure that’s a problem that Apple had to tackle head-on when developing Touch ID.
So how exactly has Touch ID been implemented? The home button is now made of sapphire glass to reduce the potential for damaging one of the 5S’ most notable features, and it’s bounded by a steel “detection ring†that determines when your finger is on the home button and fires up the Touch ID sensor. Touch ID is also capable of keeping tabs of multiple different fingerprints, so you (hopefully) won’t have to worry about your friends buying embarrassing songs with your iTunes account with a single touch.
Yes, the 64-bit and claims that it will increase performance by so and so is nothing but a marketing gimmick as of now. I appreciate some of the features they've bought, but going 64-bit is nothing but just getting ready for the future.So they introduce a 64 bit processor and claim exponential speed increase and you feel it's a marketing gimmick. Well I will take it over fingerprint scanner any day.
So they introduce a 64 bit processor and claim exponential speed increase and you feel it's a marketing gimmick. Well I will take it over fingerprint scanner any day.
Also I read yesterday that fingerprints would be stored locally on iOS device itself with encryption and not on the cloud. So any fingerprint data spying is totally misleading. Please post a source which claims of uploading of the prints.